Daily Life Hacks: 55 Tips for Every Area to Simplify & Level Up the Day

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Feeling overwhelmed? Conquer your day with this curated list of daily life hacks for work, home, school, and boosting productivity. Simplify routines, save time, and level up your daily life!

Have you ever felt like there seem to be not enough hours in the day? Juggling work, home, school, and social life often leaves many of us feeling stressed and swamped. But what if there were small, simple things you could do to streamline your routine and make living a little more fun? From conquering your to-do list at work to making quick meals at home, the curated list of daily life hacks below should help you simplify tasks, boost productivity, and leave you feeling more accomplished – with more time for the things you enjoy!


  • This article is packed with 55 life hacks across different areas of life – including how to streamline the workday, conquer chores at home, ace exams at school, and boost overall productivity.
  • From tips that will impress your boss to those that free up time for fun, there is something for everyone.

Daily Life Hacks for Work

Feeling swamped at the office? Drowning in emails and deadlines? These tips will help streamline your day, boost your efficiency, and maybe even impress your boss!

  1. Use the Pomodoro Technique: Break your workday into manageable intervals, typically 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. This technique helps maintain concentration and productivity by giving your brain regular rests. For example, if you’re working on a report, dedicate one Pomodoro session to outlining, another to research, and so on.
  1. Prioritize your tasks: Start your day by identifying the three most crucial tasks to accomplish. Writing them down clarifies your focus and prevents getting lost in a sea of tasks. For instance, prioritize tasks based on deadlines, importance, or impact on overall goals.
  1. Automate repetitive tasks: Invest time in setting up automation tools or scripts for tasks that recur frequently. Set up email filters to automatically sort incoming messages, and leverage scheduling tools for routine meetings to save time and mental energy.
  1. Organize your workspace: Create an ergonomic and clutter-free workspace to minimize distractions and improve focus. Invest in desk organizers, get rid of unnecessary items, and keep frequently used ones within reach.
  1. Set specific goals: Define clear, achievable goals for each workday to maintain focus and motivation. Break down larger projects into smaller, actionable steps – and strive to complete a specific section of a project by the end of the day.
  1. Learn keyboard shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts for commonly used software and applications. This should significantly speed up your workflow and reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks like copying, pasting, and formatting.
  1. Communicate effectively: Use clear and concise communication with colleagues to avoid misunderstandings and save time. For example, when assigning tasks or providing feedback, be specific about expectations and deadlines.
  1. Delegate tasks: Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks when necessary to free up time for more critical work. Identify those that can be outsourced to team members or assistants, so that you may better focus on high-priority projects.
  1. Learn to say no: Recognize your limits and prioritize tasks accordingly. Politely decline additional tasks if your workload is already full. Saying no when necessary helps prevent burnout and ensures you can devote adequate time to essential responsibilities.
  1. Use a noise-canceling headset: Block out distractions in a noisy office environment with a quality noise-canceling headset. This is especially helpful when you need to maintain focus during critical tasks or when working in a bustling workspace.
  1. Reward yourself: Celebrate your accomplishments, whether big or small, to stay motivated and maintain morale. For example, treat yourself to a coffee break or a short walk after completing a challenging task or meeting a deadline.
  1. Schedule email checking: Avoid constant interruptions by setting specific times to check and respond to emails. This prevents incoming messages from dominating your workday and allows you to focus on more productive tasks without constant distractions.

Read more: Work-life Balance – 14 Tips to Unplug & Recharge

Daily Life Hacks for Home

From conquering your laundry pile to whipping up a quick meal, the following hacks are sure to make your daily routine run smoother and free up more time for the things you enjoy!

  1. Place a paper at the bottom of the trash can: Absorb wet waste and prevent leaks by placing a layer of paper at the bottom of your trash can. This simple trick should save you from messy spills and make cleaning up easier. For a more eco-friendly option, consider a washable bin liner as a reusable alternative.
  1. Use ice cubes in the dryer: Reduce wrinkles in clothes by tossing a few ice cubes into the dryer along with your laundry. The steam from the melting ice helps release wrinkles, giving your clothes a fresher look. However, be cautious with delicate fabrics, as extreme cold may not be suitable for all materials. Spot-check a hidden area first to ensure compatibility.
  1. Clean silver with toothpaste: Restore the shine to your silverware by using toothpaste as a quick cleaning solution. While this should work in a pinch, it’s not the most gentle or effective method in the long run though. Hence, consider investing in a proper silver polish for better results and to avoid potential damage to your silver items.
  1. Organize cables with toilet paper rolls: Keep your cables untangled and easily accessible by using toilet paper rolls as cable organizers. This clever hack repurposes recycled materials, but for a more permanent solution, you may want to invest in velcro cable ties or reusable cord organizers.
  1. Use vinegar and baking soda: An effective and eco-friendly cleaning solution is to combine vinegar and baking soda. This versatile mixture can be used to clean various surfaces around your home, from countertops to bathroom tiles.
  1. Make your bed every day: Start your day with a sense of accomplishment by making your bed each morning. Not only does it instantly improve the appearance of your bedroom, but it also sets a positive tone for the day ahead.
  1. Declutter regularly: Maintain a peaceful and organized living space by regularly decluttering unused items. Donate or sell items you no longer need to create more space and reduce visual distractions in your home.
  1. Multitask while cleaning: Make chores more enjoyable by listening to podcasts or audiobooks while you clean. This not only makes the time pass more quickly but also allows you to engage in activities you enjoy while getting things done.
  1. Quick wipe-downs daily: Spend a few minutes each day wiping down surfaces like countertops, stovetops, and bathroom fixtures to prevent dirt and grime buildup. This daily maintenance helps keep your home clean and tidy with minimal effort.
  1. Deep clean on a schedule: Set aside specific days or times for more intensive cleaning tasks like mopping floors or cleaning the oven. Having a schedule ensures that these tasks don’t get overlooked and helps maintain a consistently clean home.

Daily Life Hacks for School

Juggling classes, homework, and a social life? Check out these tips to ace your exams, manage your time effectively, and maybe even make studying a little more fun (well, as fun as studying can be!).

  1. Create a morning playlist: Start your day on the right note by creating a morning playlist tailored to your routine. Choose music that matches the pace you need to get ready – upbeat tunes are great for energizing you, while calmer tracks might be a better choice for focusing. Experiment with different genres and styles to find what works best for you.
  1. Use notecards for presentations: Keep your speeches concise and on point by using notecards as prompts. Write key points on each card to help you stay organized and focused during your presentation. This method is great for reducing anxiety and ensuring coverage of all necessary information.
  1. Organize your notes effectively: Develop a system for organizing notes that works best for you. Whether you prefer digital or handwritten notes, create separate sections or folders for each subject or topic to make studying more efficient.
  1. Split up study sessions: Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks to prevent burnout and improve retention. Focus on one topic or subject at a time, and take short breaks in between to recharge.
  1. Utilize search engines and educational websites: Take advantage of online resources for research and learning. Use search engines and educational websites to find supplemental materials, study guides, and tutorials to enhance your understanding of challenging topics.
  1. Prepare your backpack the night before: Save time and reduce morning stress by packing your backpack with all the essentials the night before. This way, you have everything you need for the school day and significantly reduce the risk of forgetting important items.
  1. Find a dedicated study space: Create a designated study area free from distractions to promote focus and productivity. Choose a quiet, well-lit one where you may concentrate without interruptions.
  1. Use different study techniques: Experiment with various study techniques, such as flashcards, mind maps, and practice tests, to find what works best for different subjects and learning styles. Mixing up your methods should keep learning engaging and effective.
  1. Learn effective note-taking: Develop a note-taking method that suits your learning style, whether it’s using mind maps, outlines, or the Cornell method. Taking clear and organized notes during lectures or while reading helps reinforce knowledge and makes studying more efficient.
  1. Review notes soon after class: Take time to review your notes shortly after class to bolster learning and identify any areas of confusion or misunderstanding. This helps solidify concepts in your memory and allows you to address any gaps in understanding before they become problematic.

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Daily life hacks for students

Daily Life Hacks: Productivity Boosters

Feeling like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? We’ve all been there. The following productivity hacks should make it easier to get more done in less time, leaving you feeling energized and accomplished.

  1. Batch similar tasks together: Maximize efficiency by grouping similar tasks together and completing them in one go. For example, dedicate a block of time to responding to emails, another for making phone calls, and another for brainstorming ideas. This reduces the time lost from switching between different types of work and allows you to maintain focus.
  1. Use a timer: Stay focused and productive by setting a timer for each task or time block. This technique, known as timeboxing, helps you allocate specific amounts of time to tasks and prevents procrastination. Make use of tools like Pomodoro timers to work in focused intervals with short breaks in between.
  1. Take advantage of downtime: Use moments of downtime, such as waiting for a bus or standing in line, to plan or review your to-do list, or to learn something new. In doing so, you make productive use of otherwise wasted time and keep your mind engaged and organized.
  1. Prioritize tasks: Productivity apps or methods like the Eisenhower Matrix are great for prioritizing work based on urgency and importance; as such, you may better focus on high-priority tasks and avoid getting overwhelmed by less critical ones.
  1. Start your day with a plan: Set aside time at the beginning of each day to plan out your tasks and priorities. Having a clear roadmap in place ensures you cover all important work and gives you direction for the day ahead.
  1. Take care of yourself: Prioritize self-care by staying hydrated, eating healthy meals, and getting enough sleep. A healthy body supports a healthy mind and enhances your overall productivity and well-being.
  1. Take advantage of natural light: Position your workspace near windows or utilize natural light sources whenever possible. Natural light boosts mood and energy levels, helping you stay alert and focused throughout the day.
  1. Fix minor issues promptly: Address minor issues or tasks as soon as they arise to prevent them from snowballing into larger problems. By dealing with them promptly, you avoid unnecessary stress and maintain a smoother workflow.
  1. Use the “two-minute rule”: If a task can be completed in two minutes or less, do it immediately rather than adding it to your to-do list. This prevents small tasks from accumulating and cluttering your list, freeing up mental space for more significant priorities.
  1. Move around: Combat fatigue and maintain focus by incorporating movement into your day. Take short breaks to stretch, walk around, or do some light exercise to recharge your energy levels and stay productive.
  1. Eliminate distractions: Minimize interruptions and distractions by silencing notifications, turning off social media, and finding a quiet workspace. Create a focused environment that allows you to concentrate fully on your tasks without distractions.
  1. Break down large tasks: Break down large projects or tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks to make them feel less overwhelming. This approach helps you make steady progress and maintain momentum without feeling daunted by the scale of the task.
  1. Listen to focus music: Create a playlist of instrumental or ambient music specifically designed to improve concentration and focus. Certain types of music can help drown out background noise and create a conducive environment for productivity.
  1. Review your day: Take time at the end of each day to reflect on your accomplishments and identify areas for improvement. Regular self-reflection and questioning are crucial for learning from experiences, adjusting strategies as needed, and starting the next day with renewed clarity and purpose.

Bonus: Funny Life Hacks

Let’s face it, life can get serious from time to time. The daily life hacks below might not solve all your problems, but they’re guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and make even the most mundane tasks a little more entertaining!

  1. Turn a hoodie into a bowl for movie night snacks: Transform your hoodie into a makeshift snack bowl by pulling the hood over your head and cinching the drawstrings. It’s a quirky way to enjoy your favorite movie treats while staying cozy and hands-free.
  1. Use a DIY phone charger stand: Get creative with household items to craft a unique phone charger stand. Whether it’s stacking books, using a paper towel roll, or repurposing a binder clip, the possibilities are endless and guaranteed to add a touch of whimsy to your charging routine!
  1. Turn a foot bench into a desk: Get inventive with your furniture by repurposing a foot bench as an impromptu desk. Simply adjust the positioning to accommodate your workspace needs and embrace the unconventional setup for a fun and functional twist.
  1. Pretend you can’t hear someone calling your name to avoid an awkward conversation: Sometimes, pretending not to hear someone calling your name can provide a humorous escape from awkward conversations or unwanted interactions. Just be sure to use this tactic sparingly and with good humor.
  1. Label your water bottle “vodka” to deter curious coworkers: Add a playful touch to your water bottle by labeling it “vodka” to deter curious coworkers from helping themselves. This cheeky prank is sure to elicit laughs and light-hearted banter around the office, but remember to clarify the joke if anyone takes it seriously!
  1. Use bubble wrap as packing peanuts: Opt for eco-friendly packing solutions by using bubble wrap as an alternative to traditional packing peanuts. While it may be a bit noisy, the satisfying pop should add an element of fun to the packing process and reduce environmental impact.
  1. Hide vegetables in your desserts: Sneakily incorporate vegetables into your desserts for a fun and nutritious twist. Whether it’s zucchini brownies, spinach smoothies, or avocado chocolate mousse, get creative with your recipes and surprise your taste buds with hidden greens.
  1. Put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher to hide them from guests: Temporarily conceal dirty dishes from guests by discreetly loading them into the dishwasher. While not a long-term solution, it provides a quick fix for unexpected visitors and adds a humorous touch to household chores.
  1. Learn basic sign language: Brush up on basic sign language to navigate awkward conversations or noisy environments in public. Whether it’s signing “thank you” or “excuse me,” mastering a few key phrases adds a fun and practical skill to your repertoire, even if it leads to some comical misunderstandings along the way.

daily life hacks

Cool life hacks

Daily Life Hacks 101

What is a life hack?

A life hack is basically a trick or shortcut that helps you get something done more easily and efficiently. It can be anything from a clever way to tie your shoes to a technique for organizing your computer files.

The main goal of life hacks is to increase productivity – by helping you get more done in less time. They can be applied to just about everything, from cooking and cleaning to work and school. The best tricks are usually simple to implement and put into practice.

Why do we need life hacks?

  • Save time and energy: Life is busy! With a few tricks in mind, we become better equipped to shave off minutes or even hours from our daily tasks, thereby freeing up time for things we enjoy (or simply giving us a chance to relax).
  • Boost productivity: By streamlining how things are done, life hacks make it possible to get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time.
  • Reduce stress: Feeling overwhelmed by a to-do list? These tips should help us tackle tasks more efficiently, reducing the burden and frustration.
  • Improve problem-solving skills: Learning about life hacks encourages us to redefine our thinking and come up with new ways to approach challenges, which brings about benefits in all areas of life.

Life hacks aren’t magic bullets though. Not every trick will work for everyone; in addition, focusing solely on shortcuts may risk overshadowing the importance of cultivating good habits. That said, when used thoughtfully, they should prove a powerful tool that enables us to live a more efficient and fulfilling life.

Are there any tips for making use of daily life hacks?

  • Evaluate before adoption

Don’t jump on every life hack bandwagon. Consider if a trick actually fits your needs and lifestyle. A complex one might not be worth it if there is a simpler solution in place.

For instance, let’s say one of your friends raves about prepping all their meals for the week on Sundays to save time and eat healthy. Before getting fascinated with their idea, let’s spend some time for a little reflection. Do you enjoy cooking? Do you have a busy weekday schedule? Do you have the fridge space to store prepped meals?

If you love cooking fresh meals each day, this hack might not be for you. Maybe a simpler meal plan with a few prep steps on the weekend would be a better option.

  • Think safety first

Not all tips are created equal. Be sure the life hack you are considering is safe to try, especially when dealing with household items or food. For example, you see a tip online for using a powerful cleaning solution to remove rust from a knife. Before jumping to action, let’s think about safety concerns first. You may realize that mixing chemicals or using them for unintended purposes can be dangerous; in other words, adopting the above-mentioned hack could damage the knife or even release harmful fumes. In this case, a better solution might be to research safe cleaning methods for specific materials (like using baking soda and vinegar for rust).

  • Experiment and adapt

The beauty of life hacks lies in their flexibility. Don’t be afraid to experiment and tweak them to work for you. You might find that a slight modification will make the initial idea even better.

For instance, a friend recommends making a grocery list categorized by meal type. Perhaps you may find it easier to list by store section (produce, dairy, etc.) or prioritize based on what you need to restock first.

  • Focus on building a system

Daily life hacks are most effective when they become part of a larger system. Look for tips that complement each other and create a smoother workflow in your day. Here is an example to demonstrate the point:

Hack 1: Make a grocery list based on recipes you plan for the week.

Hack 2: Chop vegetables and portion ingredients while prepping dinner each night.

Combined system: Planning meals beforehand allows you to create a targeted grocery list, reducing impulse buys. Prepping dinner ingredients as you go eliminates the need for a large dedicated meal prep session, saving time throughout the week.

  • Beware of information overload

There are tons of life hacks out there – which means you will risk overwhelming yourself if you become too greedy. As such, it is advisable that you focus on those that address specific pain points in your routine only.

Some tricks might provide quick fixes to your current problems; however, you should aim for tips that provide lasting benefits – those that can become habits and improve your overall efficiency.

Read more: 55 Healthy Habits Questions to Inspire Better Lifestyle Choices

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Final Thoughts

Small changes, when accumulated frequently enough, should eventually result in a big difference. I hope that the daily life hacks listed above will serve as an amazing toolkit for you to reclaim control over life. So what are you waiting for? Let’s put them to the test and watch as you conquer every task with newfound efficiency and a smile (or at least, a satisfied sigh of relief!).

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