Is your relentless pursuit of success turning out to be counterproductive? Learn about the risk of goal obsession and why we need to adopt a more holistic, balanced approach.
Setting ambitious life targets has long been hailed as a key driver of achievement. However, there exists a delicate line that distinguishes healthy ambition from the dangers of goal obsession. While being obsessed with the end results may fuel one’s drive, we also need to be aware of its potential pitfalls.
- Goal obsession refers to an excessive fixation on achieving a specific target, often at the expense of overall well-being, long-term consequences, and other important aspects of life.
- When channeled positively and in moderation, passion can help enhance focus, increase motivation, and foster greater resilience. On the other hand, if it evolves into an unhealthy obsession with success, one will end up forsaking the greater mission, adopting a rigid and emotionally detached approach, creating unnecessary stress, and succumbing to “hurry sickness”.
- To combat this bad habit, one needs to step back from time to time, allow flexible time frames, avoid panicking, and be willing to seek support from others.
What is Goal Obsession?
Goal obsession occurs when one becomes excessively fixated on achieving a specific goal – often to the detriment of their overall mission or well-being. When that happens, one is led down a tunnel vision path and becomes ignorant of the broader context and long-term consequences that stem from their actions.
While ambition and determination are indeed essential traits of success, an unhealthy obsession with achievements is what causes many to lose sight of the bigger picture, thereby neglecting other important aspects of their lives.
This bad habit is not limited to anyone; that said, it is commonly observed among successful people, especially those who are driven and highly achievement-oriented. Success makes us addicted to the feeling of accomplishment – as a result, we push ourselves to set even more ambitious targets, sometimes at the expense of our own health, relationships, or even ethical principles.
Example: There is a talented and promising young athlete who strives to win a specific championship. In their relentless pursuit, they push themselves to the limit, sacrifice proper rest, and expose themselves to more injuries. As such, their determination to succeed in a single event drives them to neglect sustainable long-term development.
Goal Obsession: The Ultimate Interpersonal Flaw
In its broadest form, goal obsession is the force at play when we get so wrapped up in achieving our goal that we do it at the expense of a larger mission.
Marshall Goldsmith
In his bestseller ‘What got you here won’t get you there‘, renowned executive coach – Dr. Marshall Goldsmith – goes over a list of bad habits that hold one back from reaching greater heights in life. The first 20 are common flaws that most high achievers fall victim to – winning too much, passing judgment, failing to give proper recognition, etc.
The last one – ‘goal obsession’ – is a behavior that Goldsmith places a significant emphasis on (in fact, it is analyzed within a separate chapter in his book). It manifests when one becomes so fixated on grand accomplishments (e.g. securing a major deal, attaining prestigious social positions, or meeting ambitious business targets) that one disregards everything else.
Goal setting and careful planning provide us with the motivation needed to work toward success. However, excessive focus on a specific objective that leaves out other aspects of life is definitely not a good thing.
It’s just like running toward a destination. When you are moving too fast, your eyesight automatically turns into ‘tunnel vision’, which means you can only see the final destination – but are not able to observe your surroundings.
When you are too fixated on a specific goal, you will end up forsaking the bigger achievement.
Marshall Goldsmith discussing the problem of goal obsession
The Good Side of Goal Obsession
- Enhanced focus
Passion, when channeled positively and in moderation, increases one’s commitment and therefore contributes to a higher chance of achieving their desired outcomes. It is akin to a laser beam that hones in on a target; with it, we become more resistant to distractions and less likely to waste resources on trivial things.
- Increased motivation
A well-defined goal is what ignites an “internal fire” that propels us forward. Think about an entrepreneur who is passionate about launching a sustainable fashion brand. In this case, the desire to emerge triumphant fuels their drive to conduct extensive research, design eco-friendly products, and align with ethical manufacturing practices.
The intrinsic motivation derived from their goal keeps the entrepreneur inspired and pushes them to take proactive steps towards visualizing their vision.
- Greater resilience
It goes without saying that those who are intensely focused on a set of objectives are more determined and persistent in the face of setbacks. When failures occur, they analyze what went wrong, identify the causes of their problems, and learn from what has happened. This process of self-reflection enables them to bounce back stronger and more prepared to tackle future challenges.
The Dangers of Goal Obsession
- Forsaking the greater mission
Being overly fixated on a specific goal makes us lose sight of the bigger picture. Hence, we are likely to make decisions that stray away from our individual/ team vision – and end up prioritizing short-term gains over long-term sustainability.
Have you ever seen something like this? A marketing manager responsible for a beverage system decides to dedicate resources to improving brand awareness. However, being prudent with time and resources, he opts for a shortcut instead of investing in social media and public relations: sparking controversy with a customer regarding the product’s quality.
While the result is indeed an increase in the public’s awareness of the business, the cost is immeasurable. Consumers now associate the brand with inferior quality, tarnishing its image in the market.
- Turning into a robot
Excessive focus on a specific outcome often causes us to adopt a mechanical and rigid approach to work. We become so metric-driven that we neglect flexibility and become unable to understand/ respond to others’ emotions accordingly. Social interaction has no formula, it’s something that you can only feel.
- Creating unnecessary stress
Setting a deadline for one’s vision and enthusiastically working toward it is a commendable effort. However, we – especially those in management positions – must be mindful of the risk of inadvertently imposing stress upon those working alongside us.
While some people may resonate with our high standards, others may not. As pressure builds up, a divide emerges among team members, affecting team dynamics.
- Developing ‘hurry sickness’
“Hurry sickness”, as described by cardiologists Dr. Meyer Friedman and Dr. Ray Rosenman, involves an incessant struggle to achieve more tasks in less time. It is characterized by symptoms such as:
- Rushing through everything.
- Unable to relax even during holidays.
- Impatient with slower-paced individuals.
- Frustrated by unavoidable delays.
- etc.
Renowned author Edward Hallowell, in his work “CrazyBusy: Overstretched, Overbooked, and About to Snap!” asserts that working at breakneck speed for prolonged periods only hinders productivity – rather than enhancing it. The constant rush induces the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to heart attacks and strokes, while exhaustion from perpetual haste results in more errors in one’s work. Over time, continued disregard for the body’s limits will lead to a decline in terms of performance.
- You change… for the worse
The drive to achieve an ever-increasing amount within a limited timeframe has a profound impact on one’s personality. Gradually, we may find ourselves becoming less sensitive, increasingly impatient, prone to easy anger, and failing to demonstrate empathy toward others.
This incessant pressure also takes its toll on our energy levels, leaving us feeling perpetually exhausted and emotionally detached, even if we do adhere to an exercise routine. In other words, we “change for the worse”.
It is goal obsession that holds us back from visualizing long lasting changes
Goal Orientation vs Goal Obsession
These terms represent two distinct approaches to purpose. Goal-oriented individuals use their objectives as guiding stars that motivate and direct them to success. They maintain a healthy balance, understanding that while goals are essential, other aspects of life (e.g. personal growth, fulfillment) are equally significant. As such, adaptability is a key characteristic of theirs.
In contrast, goal obsession, as mentioned, involves an unhealthy fixation on achieving a particular target – to the point of neglecting other aspects of life. Most of the time, the reason has to do with a short-sighted goal that only addresses a specific condition (e.g. getting a promotion) – causing one to disregard the consequences of what they do on their well-being, relationships, and ethical principles. Stress and burnout are inevitable, as they prioritize immediate gratification over long-term sustainability and holistic development.
It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
Paulo Coelho
Putting an End to Goal Obsession: How to Strike a Healthy Balance
Take a step back
For those who wish to advance to greater heights in life, it is critical that they learn to strike a balance between the importance of success and the risk of becoming overly fixated on it. The key here is to take a step back sometimes and keep the bigger picture in mind.
While ticking off items in our to-do lists may bring us closer to our vision, we must be careful not to prioritize individual tasks over our core priorities and values.
In his book, Marshall Goldsmith gives an example like this:
A group of theology students were given the task of delivering a lecture on the topic of the Good Samaritan. In a rush to reach the waiting audience, the experimenter informed them they were running late.
On their way, they encountered a coughing ragged man lying in the hallway, who was actually an actor feigning distress. Surprisingly, 90% of the students ignored the man, prioritizing reaching the lecture on time.
In this case, the students were enthusiastic about preaching kindness and compassion; and yet, they failed to embody such qualities when presented with an opportunity.
In other words, becoming overly fixated on immediate goals makes us neglect meaningful actions aligned with our beliefs.
Flex time frames
Flexing time frames is about finding a balance between short-term and long-term perspectives when setting and working toward goals. We need to be aware that circumstances change constantly; what may have felt urgent and essential at one point might lose relevance or be superseded by more pressing matters over time.
Example: An entrepreneur just launches a new product. Initially, the immediate target is to gain traction and achieve rapid sales growth. However, market conditions, customer feedback, and competition evolve, prompting him to recognize the need to adapt his communication strategies, refine the product, and adjust his goals in alignment with the changing market demands.
Do not panic
In case things do not progress as expected, one needs to engage in thoughtful reflection on the reasons why, before coming up with alternative approaches to move forward. Allocating sufficient time and resources for problem-solving is crucial to improving the chance of success.
Seek help from others
Sharing our objectives and problems with a trusted coach, mentor, or close friend is a great way to not only reduce stress – but also be exposed to new perspectives and insights. With the help of a third party, we have a much better chance of identifying blind spots that might have been overlooked.
A budding entrepreneur, for instance, may consider soliciting feedback from successful business leaders who have navigated similar challenges before. Their insights and recommendations should allow him to better steer away from common pitfalls, and boost his confidence when it’s time to make critical decisions.
Read more: Choices in Life – Moving Beyond Right & Wrong Decisions
Final Thoughts
While healthy dedication may propel us toward greatness, goal obsession, on the other hand, blinds us to the grander aspects of life. To make the most of our ambitions, we need to embrace goal-setting with purpose – and acknowledge the importance of meaningful objectives that align with our values and aspirations. After all, it is not solely the attainment of goals – but the journey itself that shapes us into who we aspire to become.
Other resources you might be interested in:
- Finding Life Purpose: Steps, Questions & Insights to Help You Live Abundantly
- Work-life Balance: 14 Tips to Unplug & Recharge
- Learning to Love Yourself: How to Foster Self-esteem Every Day
- The Excessive Need to Be Me: When the Ego Takes Over
Let’s Tread the Path Together, Shall We?