“Another year over
And a new one just begun
What have you done…”
It is not Christmas, but somehow, the lyrics of the Happy Xmas song echoed in my mind as I started this page. After all, a new Lunar Year is now before me, so…
What shall I aim to achieve this year?
A few things pop up in my mind: making this blog perform better in terms of traffic & the number of subscribers, ensuring that the revenue it generates can start helping me stabilize and sustain my living, getting the N1 certificate, refining my Japanese communication skills holistically, figuring out the best way to pursue a degree in psychology (and later philosophy – among many other things), deepening my spiritual side, thinking seriously about my life philosophies, supporting my parents, etc. Well, I suppose these should be enough for now (haha).
Anw, to start the daily journaling…
February 3
Today is the first day that people get back to work after a week of holiday (the Lunar New Year holiday). Yesterday, I traveled from my hometown to Saigon.
I noticed that as of today, the street of Saigon seemed to be not very crowded. I suppose that many people have not returned to school/ work yet (speaking of which, I remember that the university students have not got back, so it makes sense).
I have quitted the part-time English teaching job. This whole month, I’m going to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to this blog – specifically, to the creation of 2025 1st-quarter edition. I suppose I should aim to get it done before getting back to my Japanese study (otherwise, it will be very hard for me to stay focused). After that, around the beginning of March, I am going to resume it (and to find some way to practice it).
Today, everything was a little bit slow. I guess that I need a little time to start rolling again. Hope that it will quickly result in a snowball effect.
Recently, my social media feeds seem to be filled with a lot of political posts. It has been a long time since the last time I was so haunted by doubt – doubt about human nature, about reality.
I wonder: How can we know which information we are absorbing on a daily basis is factually correct?
To me, it seems that cognitive bias is a real thing. We have so much information and so little time to verify them (not to mention, the difficulty of verifying such information), so most of us naturally resort to what we are familiar with. To make sense of the world. To avoid succumbing to some kind of existential crises.
And we over-generalize everything. We say that “everyone needs to do ABC”, “ABC is totally wrong” – things like that. And we label those who stand on the other side as nemeses. And we dismiss anything that contradicts our beliefs. And we shout and verbally attack people who disagree with us.
I wonder: Is this the way to get out of this mess? Where is the compassion that we are supposed to show to others – including those who oppose or abuse us?
Anw, I still have a little time left today before bedtime. Maybe let’s try to finish some content migration tasks before resting. Tomorrow is gonna be busy, as I aim to start working on the upcoming edition.
Well then, let’s do it!
(09:00 PM GMT+7 – February 3, 2025)
February 18
I got carried away for the last 2 weeks. My sister needed someone at her home to help her look after the house and her infant son; so …
And I ended up doing things that should not have been in the agenda (well, at least the short-term agenda).
It took a lot of willpower for me to start getting back on track. Guess that there is still a long way for me to go in terms of self-improvement.
Anw, what’s now? I guess let’s get back to the edition of Quarter 1 that I had been working on.
Maybe I need to find a way to speed things up; otherwise, some things I expect to be finished soon will have to be postponed.
Let’s try to get things rolling this morning, then maybe rest a bit this afternoon (assuming I’m out of gas at that time), and then regain some balance with a workout this evening.
A little bit tired today to jot down things that go beyond the daily scope; so maybe next time.
OK, here I go!
Tenki ga iikara, hajimemashou!
(07:40 AM GMT+7 – February 18, 2025)
A little bit slow, but things seem to be rolling. I have to keep myself accountable – and maybe reach out to some partners for inspiration.
I suppose it’s time for a workout this afternoon. It has been a long time, so …
Anw, it’s almost time for lunch now.
(11:20 AM GMT+7 – February 18, 2025)
February 20
Yesterday, I paid a visit to the dentist. Normally, such a visit occurs once per year – it has been so since my implant surgery years ago.
I notice that I tend to not spend much time on dental hygiene; until the last few days before such a visit. Well, I guess that something deeper needs to be addressed.
Anw, I think that I need to go out to better stay focused and finish the upcoming edition soon. Let’s aim to have it done within 2-3 weeks, shall we? And then 1 week to prepare for my next move.
This weekend, I’m staying in Saigon instead of returning to my hometown. Maybe I should schedule a catchup with a friend. I’m kind of fed up with being isolated.
Anw, maybe it’s time to move now.
Tenki ga iikara, hajimemashou!
(08:10 AM GMT+7 – February 20, 2025)
OK, this should be my shelter for the upcoming 30 days.
A little bit brighter and noiser than the last office I stayed in – but still, better than nothing, I guess.
On the flip side, there is a lot of natural light in this office. Not to mention, it’s much closer to my house than the last one, so… balance, I guess.
Ok, here I come. The clock is ticking; I have no time for games!
Let’s aim to finish the outline of the edition within this morning, and then keep rolling!
(09:10 AM GMT+7 – February 20, 2025)
It has been really stressing me out to work on the topic of the next edition. So many complexities that I feel as if my brain is about to explode :)))
I guess that I should not be afraid of taking breaks from time to time. “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished”. The thing is, are we refusing to be controlled by greed?
(11:25 AM GMT+7 – February 20, 2025)
Many times I feel like I’m trying to comprehend things that are not within my ability for comprehension. Like trying to put a sea into a small hole in the sand.
The real joy is in the BEING, right?
(03:30 PM GMT+7 – February 20, 2025)
February 21
I woke up a little bit tired this morning. Not sure if it was because of yesterday’s workload (in the office for the morning and the afternoon, brainstorming things – and then following up with a little workout in the evening). Guess that sometimes, it happens.
Anw, yesterday I managed to brainstorm quite a few ideas. I think that before proceeding, let’s divide and group the information together.
Tomorrow I am supposed to be visited by my parents. And then in the late afternoon, if I’m lucky, I may catch up with an old friend.
OK, let’s just keep moving! Do not wander aimlessly today – I have no time for games!
(As a side note, I need to clean my house this evening; no more procrastination)
初心忘るべからず – Shoshin wasuru bekarazu
(09:10 AM GMT+7 – February 21, 2025)
Sometimes I wish that I have someone by my side to talk with when I am feeling so stressed/ torn apart. Is it selfish, I wonder? Or is it just admitting that alone, one can do little (in other words, a sign of humility)?
Working on the upcoming edition has been, kind of, cracking my brain. I hope that eventually, I will be able to make it in time.
(04:40 PM GMT+7 – February 21, 2025)
At least the outline is almost finished. Well I think that’s enough for today. Let’s just have some rest and enjoy life!
(05:40 PM GMT+7 – February 21, 2025)
February 24
I need to jot down a few things before I begin today (a little bit late). Yesterday, I stayed up a little bit late to finish some tasks; hence I woke up late this morning and felt a little bit worn out. Guess that I need to be more mindful of my own limits and avoid crossing them the next time, or else I’m gonna disrupt my biological clock and daily routine.
Sometimes I feel that I’m occupied with so many things that I forget (or at least underestimate) the more important ones. The ones that matter right now – rather than those that MAY matter in a few months/ years to come.
Guess that I need a reminder from time to time to get back on track – to get back to the Middle Way and avoid any extremes.
There is a task that I have been delaying for a while: inputing the notes on my mobile phone into the upcoming edition’s draft. I assume I need to do it right now to jolt me out of inertia. Or, at least, to cross something off my to-do list and avoid plaguing my mind.
Recently, I have noticed a tendency of mine to have the mind wander and come up with “ideas” while walking down the street – either to get my lunch, get a coffee, or just to maintain my daily physical routine. At such times, I would take out my phone and jot down a few things – so that I can revisit them later.
This evening, I hope I can go to the gym (for this purpose, maybe I need to be out of the office at 5:00); and then to revist my Japanes study (probably with a movie/ anime to rekindle the inspiration).
Ok, here I come! I have no time for games!
Tenki ga iikara, hajimemashou!
(09:55 AM GMT+7 – February 24, 2025)
A little bit off track now, I guess. Let’s note it down so that I can have the mental strength to push myself back.
The outline, I think, is complete already; no need for further revision, it seems. Let’s organize the content and try to finish it within today. Tomorrow is gonna be busy, I guess.
(02:05 PM GMT+7 – February 24, 2025)
February 25
Let’s get to work now; there is a lot to be done today! Let’s try to finish grouping the information and start writing immediately!
My spiritual mentor just sent me a message yesterday’s night – about a book named “[禅的]持たない生き方” (lit. ‘[Zen] Living without possessions‘) by Zen Master Soushin Kanetake. Seemingly, there is a passage in the book that discusses how the Kanji character 私 (meaning “I/ me”) can, when having certain strokes omitted, become “仏” (meaning “Buddha”). The idea is that we all have a spark of “Buddha-nature” lying deep within us, as long as we are ready to let go of certain things that are holding us down. The noises, distractions, and indulgences in life.
Well, that’s deep, I guess.
Anw, let’s keep rolling!
(09:15 AM GMT+7 – February 25, 2025)
Maybe I will need to split some sections and put them in another edition later this year. I feel that I’m overdoing the edition a little bit.
(05:12 PM GMT+7 – February 25, 2025)
February 26
OK, let’s just do it! Let’s smash it! Just do it! No time for games!
(09:00 AM GMT+7 – February 26, 2025)
At least almost half the work is done. I guess let’s just continue tomorrow. Today is not a bad day at all, I guess.
(05:30 PM GMT+7 – February 26, 2025)
February 27
OK, check in time! Let’s do it! Let’s smash it!
Tenki ga iikara, hajimemashou!
(09:15 AM GMT+7 – February 27, 2025)
I have a feeling that I need to trim down my work a little bit. Otherwise, I’m gonna stress everyone out (including myself too). Mabye some ideas – I can keep them for future editions/ articles.
Maybe that’s enough for today. Time to go!
O tsukaresamadeshita!
(05:35 PM GMT+7 – February 27, 2025)
February 28
OK, check in time! Let’s do it! Let’s smash it! Just one day left before the end of February; better make it sweet!
Tenki ga iikara, hajimemashou!
(09:10 AM GMT+7 – February 28, 2025)
It’s almost done now; I only need to refine it a little bit further. After that, I’ve got to turn it into a pdf file and work on the two localized versions.
Tomorrow, I’m supposed to catch up with an old friend in the afternoon, and then go back to my hometown. And on Sunday morning, I’ve got to attend the baptism ceremony of my nephew – also my godson.
Sometimes I wonder, the role of godparents seems to have diminished quite a lot in today’s busy era. It’s got to the point as if it’s more of a functional role rather than a real one.
How should I carry this role then? I wonder. Maybe let’s wait a few more years, when my nephew has grown up a little bit.
Well then, this week has not been too shabby, I guess. It’s time to take a rest.
O tsukaresamadeshita!
(09:40 PM GMT+7 – February 28, 2025)
Let’s Tread the Path Together, Shall We?