The Hidden Force Within: Exploring the Depths of the Subconscious Mind Power

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Delve into the mysteries of the subconscious mind power – how subconscious thoughts shape our reality, and strategies to harness this hidden force for personal growth, success, and fulfillment!

The power of the subconscious mind is a profound and intricate aspect of human cognition, capable of shaping our reality. Understanding its mechanisms and learning to harness its potential is key to unlocking a world of possibilities, allowing us to tap into the depths of our psyche and unleash our fullest potential.

Do you remember the first time you learned to ride a bicycle?

Can you count the number of repetitive movements needed to perfectly execute a dance?

Have you ever tried to master a new musical instrument?

In most cases, the adoption of new behaviors presents a great deal of difficulties in the initial stage. However, once you become more proficient, the process begins to require less awareness – until eventually, you will be able to do it smoothly and completely naturally.

That is because behind these seemingly ordinary feats lies an extraordinary force – the subconscious mind. It is this silent orchestrator that guides our actions, shapes our perceptions, and influences our choices.


  • The subconscious is a theorized part of the mind that works beyond our awareness, influencing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Its existence is based on Sigmund Freud’s 3-level model of the psyche – and has been the topic of various studies conducted by scientists and philosophers alike.
  • The subconscious mind acts like a comfort zone keeper; it helps maintain mental stability by keeping us comfortable in familiar patterns – at the cost of resistance to change. However, through conscious efforts, we can “reprogram” it to alter realities.
  • To leverage the subconscious for dream visualization, we can make use of strategies such as positive affirmations, success talks, vision boards, etc.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

The subconscious mind is a theorized part of the mind that works below our conscious awareness. It’s often described as a vast storage space that holds things like:

  • Memories: Even forgotten memories can reside in the subconscious.
  • Learned behaviors: Like riding a bike, once you’ve learned it, the subconscious takes over.
  • Habits: Nail biting, anyone? The subconscious automates many of the things we do every day, like brushing our teeth or taking a particular route to work.
  • Emotions: The subconscious can influence our feelings without us realizing it.
  • Intuition: That “gut feeling” you get? It might be your subconscious giving you a nudge.
  • Creativity: Ever have a dream that sparks an amazing idea? That could be your subconscious at work.

Have you ever stopped to ponder the vast reservoir of untapped potential that lies within your own mind? It’s a fascinating realization that most people only scratch the surface of their cognitive capabilities, largely due to the enigmatic workings of the subconscious. This often overlooked aspect of the mind operates incessantly, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in ways both subtle and profound.

Consider the act of meditation – a practice revered for its ability to quiet the mind and foster inner peace. As you begin to regulate your breathing, you may notice a subtle shift in awareness. It’s as if a veil is lifted, and the omnipotent force of the subconscious mind rises to the forefront, guiding your breath with effortless precision. From the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest to the gentle expansion of your belly, each inhalation and exhalation is orchestrated by the silent conductor within.


But the influence of the subconscious extends far beyond the realm of breath control. Every moment, our brains are bombarded with a deluge of sensory input – sights, sounds, smells, and sensations – all vying for our attention.

Yet, amidst this cacophony of stimuli, the subconscious serves as a vigilant gatekeeper that filters out the extraneous noise and relays only the most pertinent information to our conscious awareness. It’s a sophisticated system of information processing, designed to safeguard our sanity and ensure survival in an overwhelmingly complex world.

Indeed, the subconscious mind is more than just a passive observer; it is a potent catalyst for transformation and change. According to the Law of Attraction, our thoughts – whether conscious or unconscious – possess the power to shape our reality and manifest our deepest desires. From the pursuit of professional success to the cultivation of fulfilling relationships, the subconscious exerts a profound influence on every aspect of our lives.

Basis for Subconscious Mind Power

Human actions, both conscious and unconscious, are deeply rooted in the complex workings of the brain. Our thoughts, movements, and emotions are all governed by a fundamental mechanism called “information processing”.

Central to science’s understanding of information processing is the pioneering work of the renowned Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Freud’s seminal 3-level model of the mind provides a framework for comprehending the depths of human consciousness; it divides the psyche into 3 distinct strata:

  • Consciousness

At the forefront of our awareness lies the realm of consciousness, where every thought, sensation, and perception is brought into focus. It involves awareness of our surroundings, thoughts and emotions, bodily sensations, and basic needs such as hunger or thirst.

Within this domain, our perception of the world is vivid and immediate, shaped by our sensory experiences and cognitive processes. For instance, the sight and fragrance of a blooming rose evoke a visceral response that stirs feelings of awe and delight.

  • Subconscious

Nestled beneath the surface of conscious thought lies the subconscious – a realm teeming with memories, beliefs, fears, and latent desires. Unlike the conscious mind, which operates in the light of day, the subconscious exerts its influence in the shadows, by silently orchestrating our automatic responses and ingrained behaviors. Through repeated practice, mundane tasks such as driving a car or tying shoelaces become second nature – in other words, our habits are all formed within the subconscious mind.

  • Unconscious

Lying even deeper into the recesses of the mind is the unconscious – a repository of forgotten memories and buried traumas that lie beyond the reach of conscious recollection. Here, the echoes of past experiences linger and shape our perceptions and motivations in ways that elude our conscious understanding. Even when we do our best to unearth them, some memories may still evade our grasp like fleeting shadows in the night.

ConsciousForefront of awarenessThoughts, sensations, perceptions, surroundings, emotions, bodily needsActively aware
Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, noticing a friend walking by
SubconsciousBelow conscious thoughtMemories, beliefs, fears, desires, automatic responses, ingrained behaviorsCan be brought to awareness with effort
Habits like driving or tying shoelaces, emotional reactions to certain stimuli
UnconsciousDeepest level of the mindForgotten memories, buried traumas, repressed emotionsLargely inaccessible, may influence behavior indirectly
Unexplained fears or motivations, recurring dreams with symbolic meaning

Differences between conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind

subconscious mind power

Evidence That Supports the Power of the Subconscious Mind

The intricate interplay between different levels of cognition has long been a focal point of research in the fields of psychology and neuroscience. Scientists and scholars have been venturing into this exploration with the aim of addressing one fundamental question: How do the various depths of the mind shape human behavior and experience?

Most investigation efforts involve the use of modeling techniques to dissect the complexities of information processing within the brain. Recent discoveries have shed light on the impact of subconscious thought patterns on our perceptions and actions.

Notably, a study examined the role of extraneous psychological signals in shaping the learning process by using facial emotional expressions as a model for conscious, subconscious, and unconscious thinking. In this experiment, participants were presented with a series of images depicting facial expressions and tasked with discerning whether the emotion conveyed in the preceding image matched that of the subsequent image.

The results revealed a striking correlation between the duration of image presentation and participants’ ability to accurately perceive differences in facial expressions. When images were displayed for a minimum of 0.047 seconds, participants exhibited a high level of accuracy in their responses. However, as the duration of image presentation decreased to 0.027-0.033 seconds, the correct response rate plummeted by nearly half. Furthermore, when image duration was reduced to a mere 0.020 seconds, participants struggled to distinguish between facial expressions altogether.

These findings underscore the profound impact of subconscious processing on human behavior. Even when stimuli are presented at durations insufficient to elicit conscious awareness, they nevertheless exert a measurable influence on our actions and decisions. The fact that participants were still able to provide partially correct responses at shorter image durations suggests the subtle – yet potent role of the subconscious mind in shaping our perceptions and behaviors.

The Process of Activating the Subconscious Mind’s Power

The enigmatic workings of the human mind have long fascinated scientists and philosophers alike, prompting questions about the nature of thought and consciousness. How does the brain process information under the influence of the subconscious mind, and what sets it apart from the realm of conscious thought? Why do unconscious thoughts often seem to manifest more quickly and effortlessly than their conscious counterparts?

For centuries, these questions remained shrouded in mystery, as our understanding of the brain’s inner workings was limited by the constraints of available technology. However, recent advancements in brain imaging technology have revolutionized our ability to study thought processing, by offering unprecedented insights into the complex interplay between conscious and subconscious cognition.

One of the most striking revelations up to now is the distinct processing pathways associated with conscious and unconscious thought. Neuroscientists have identified specific regions of the brain that become activated during conscious thought, thereby allowing for the visualization of changes in neural activity. This newfound clarity has shed light on the intricate combination of neural activity that underlies our most deliberate thoughts and actions.

In contrast, the activity of the subconscious mind remains challenging to determine. Unlike conscious thought, which follows well-defined processing pathways and can be readily observed through brain imaging techniques, subconscious thought appears to operate in a realm of its own – with its distinct set of information processing patterns.

subconscious mind power

The Secret Behind the Subconscious Mind Power

The subconscious acts as a reservoir of stored data that continuously records and retrieves information to ensure navigation of daily life. It silently operates on a pre-programmed basis that orchestrates our words and actions in alignment with deeply ingrained patterns that reflect our self-concept and beliefs.

In essence, it serves as the custodian of our innermost thoughts and aspirations; one that shapes our reality in accordance with the blueprint of our psyche.

One of the most potent tools for harnessing the power of the subconscious is the practice of positive affirmations. By consciously repeating mantras that reinforce desired beliefs and behaviors, we can effectively “reprogram” our subconscious thought patterns and foster a mindset of positivity and success. In other words, we have the capacity to mold our reality through intentional thought and action.

Likewise, activities such as reading inspirational quotes also produce significant effects. By saturating our consciousness with uplifting ideas and affirmations, we gradually imbue our subconscious with a positive pattern of thinking and perception. Like a gardener tending to a garden, we sow the seeds of positivity and abundance within our subconscious soil, nurturing their growth with each passing day.

However, the power of the subconscious mind is not governed by pure reason or logic; rather, it operates on the basis of commands issued by our conscious awareness. Like a faithful servant, it dutifully executes the directives of our conscious mind, translating our thoughts and desires into tangible actions and outcomes.

Just as a gardener reaps the fruits of their labor, so too do we reap the consequences of the seeds we sow in the garden of our minds.

How Does the Subconscious Mind Work?

Your subconscious mind has what is called a homeostatic impulse. Through your autonomic nervous system, it maintains a balance among the hundreds of chemicals in your billions of cells so that your entire physical machine functions in complete harmony most of the time.

Brian Tracy

The operation of the subconscious mind is meant to ensure “mental homeostasis”, by prompting you to think and act in ways that are consistent with what you have done or said in the past. Every habit, belief, and behavior is etched into the fabric of our subconscious, resulting in a set of familiar patterns that shape our perception of reality. Within this framework, our subconscious functions as a repository of comfort zones that guide us to operate within the confines of familiar territory.

Indeed, the subconscious mind is both a source of comfort and constraint. On one hand, it fosters a sense of security within the boundaries of our established habits and routines. Yet, it is also a potential barrier to change, by triggering feelings of discomfort and resistance whenever we attempt to step outside our comfort zones and embrace new experiences.

This innate resistance to change is reflected in the psychological and physiological responses that often emerge when we try to break free from old habits and adopt new routines. Feelings of fear, anxiety, and physical discomfort serve as telltale signs that our subconscious has been activated to prevent us from diverting from familiar patterns of thought and behavior.

However, we all have the power to exert conscious control over these entrenched patterns. Through deliberate practice and conscious effort, we can rewrite the script of our subconscious programming and forge new neural pathways that align with our aspirations and goals.

Leveraging the Subconscious Mind Power

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.


Harnessing the power of the subconscious mind is not merely a matter of passive acceptance; rather, it requires a proactive effort to transcend the confines of our comfort zones and embrace the discomfort of growth and change. As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, we confront the inherent resistance within us, which instinctively seeks to preserve the status quo and shield us from the unknown.

The mere thought of venturing beyond our familiar territory is enough to evoke feelings of stress and insecurity. Yet, it is in these moments of uncertainty that the seeds of transformation are sown.

Successful people are aware of the inherent limitations of operating within the confines of their comfort zone. They understand that complacency is the antithesis of progress and innovation. Thus, they embrace discomfort as a necessary precursor to growth – and willingly step outside their comfort zones in pursuit of greater challenges and opportunities.

To leverage the power of the subconscious mind effectively, one must be willing to confront feelings of awkwardness and discomfort that accompany the pursuit of new endeavors. Failures should be viewed as stepping stones on the path to greatness by reinforcing the neural pathways of resilience and determination. By emulating the thought patterns and behaviors of great leaders and thinkers, we can “reprogram” our thoughts to align with our goals and aspirations.

Whether it be writing a book, starting a business, or pursuing a lifelong passion, the ability to harness the latent potential of our subconscious empowers us to transcend the limitations of our past and embrace the boundless possibilities of the future.

Subconscious mind power – by Jack Canfield

Read more: Living in the Past – The Problem of Dwelling on What Was

Connecting With Your Subconscious Mind Power

Unlocking the potential of the subconscious mind is a journey fraught with challenges; it requires a delicate balance of self-awareness and emotional regulation. At the heart of this transformative process lies the ability to communicate our thoughts and intentions from the conscious mind to the subconscious – a task that demands mastery over our emotional landscape.

Emotions serve as the bridge between the conscious and subconscious; they imbue our thoughts with the power to motivate action and shape our reality. Yet, emotions are a double-edged sword capable of both propelling us toward our goals and ensnaring us in a web of negativity and self-doubt.

It is a sobering truth that negative emotions often hold sway over our thinking. These insidious thought patterns, fueled by fear, self-doubt, and insecurity, can undermine our best intentions and impede our progress toward success and fulfillment.

Thus, the first step is to confront and eliminate thoughts imbued with negative emotions. This requires a concerted effort to cultivate self-love and banish thoughts that undermine our sense of worth and potential. By cultivating a mindset of self-acceptance and resilience, we can free ourselves from the grip of negativity and pave the way for a more positive outlook.

At the same time, it is essential to recognize that emotions, whether positive or negative, possess a magnetic quality that attracts corresponding experiences into our lives. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to cultivate an emotional landscape that is conducive to growth and well-being. By consciously choosing to focus on positive emotions such as gratitude, joy, and optimism, we can amplify the vibrational frequency of our thoughts and align ourselves with the abundance and opportunities that abound in the universe.

Read more: 12 Stoic Principles to Live by in the Modern Life

Tips for Visualizing Your Dreams With the Power of the Subconscious Mind

  1. Be willing to embrace changes

The journey toward transformation begins not with unwavering belief, but with a willingness to entertain the possibility of change and explore new avenues of possibility.

The first step toward embracing change is to cultivate a mindset of receptivity. Rather than succumbing to skepticism or doubt, be open to the myriad of possibilities that lie before you, and ready to seize them as soon as any arises.

It’s worth reminding that the path to change is rarely linear or predictable. Often, we need to step outside our comfort zone and take bold, decisive action in pursuit of our goals. This might involve reaching out to potential customers or partners with proposals or ideas that defy convention, knowing that rejection may be a part of the process.

Embracing change requires a willingness to accept uncertainty and navigate the unknown with courage and resilience. It requires you to challenge your assumptions and question your preconceived notions about what is possible.

The key lies in maintaining a spirit of curiosity and viewing each setback as an opportunity for growth and learning. By remaining open to the possibility of change and actively seeking out new opportunities, you create the conditions necessary for transformation to occur.

  1. Allow yourself to succeed

Rather than tethering your happiness to external milestones or achievements, such as losing weight or attaining a promotion, you should adopt a mindset of abundance and allow yourself to bask in the glow of success and fulfillment.

Shift your inner dialogue from one of conditional happiness to one of unconditional acceptance and appreciation for the beauty of life. Instead of fixating on future goals or achievements as prerequisites for happiness, affirm to yourself: “I allow my life to be beautiful and abundant in every moment.”

It’s crucial to release any lingering guilt or self-doubt that may hinder your ability to embrace success. Often, deep-seated beliefs about worthiness are what undermine our capacity to visualize goals and live a fulfilling life. If your subconscious harbors thoughts that success is inherently immoral or corrupt, you may unwittingly sabotage your efforts to pursue your dreams.

Instead, cultivate a holistic and expansive vision of success – one that involves not only material wealth and achievement but also emotional well-being, spiritual fulfillment, and meaningful connections. Allow yourself to envision a life rich in joy, abundance, and purpose, free from the constraints of self-imposed limitations and societal expectations.

By granting yourself permission to succeed, you liberate yourself from the shackles of fear and self-doubt, empowering yourself to pursue your goals with confidence and conviction. Embrace the inherent goodness and abundance of life, and trust that you are worthy of all the blessings that come your way.


Subconscious mind power

  1. Don’t let other people’s fears dictate your choices

In a world where opinions abound and external voices clamor for attention, it’s imperative to remain steadfast in your convictions and trust in your inner wisdom.

The reactions of those around you to your success or decisions often reflect more about their own experiences and fears than about your capabilities or choices. For example, informing that you are engaged may elicit genuine happiness and support from those who already have a happy family life. Conversely, those who are plagued by insecurities or regrets about their life choices may project their fears onto you by cautioning you against the potential disadvantages of getting married.

Other people’s fears and apprehensions are merely reflections of their own internal struggles and limitations. Their reactions say more about their state of mind than about your true potential or the validity of your choices.

In navigating the various opinions and perspectives that surround you, you should trust in your own intuition and inner guidance. Tune out the noise of external expectations and embrace the clarity that comes from honoring your authentic desires and aspirations. Your life is yours to live, and you alone have the authority to determine your destiny.

  1. Practice positive thinking

By consciously directing your thoughts and attention towards positivity and hope, you can transform your outlook on life and create a more supportive and empowering environment for yourself.

One of the most effective ways to practice positive thinking is to curate your daily environment to promote positivity and inspiration. Surround yourself with uplifting reminders of your potential and worth, such as inspirational quotes or affirmations placed strategically in your living or workspace. These visual cues serve as gentle reminders to stay focused on the bright side of life, even amidst challenges and setbacks.

Equally important is the company you keep. Evaluate your relationships and identify those that uplift and support you, as well as those that drain your energy and diminish your sense of self-worth. Get connected with people who radiate positivity and encouragement, while distancing yourself from those who sow seeds of doubt and negativity.

At the same time, it is recommended that you seek out opportunities to engage with uplifting content that stimulates your mind and nourishes your soul. Whether through books, podcasts, or online communities, expose yourself to ideas and perspectives that inspire growth and expand your horizons. By feeding your mind with positive input, you create a fertile ground for personal development and self-discovery.

In addition to external influences, it’s crucial to cultivate a practice of self-reflection and gratitude in your daily life. Take time each day to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings and opportunities that surround you, no matter how trivial they seem. By fostering an attitude of gratitude, you shift your focus from scarcity to abundance – and open your heart to the limitless possibilities that abound in every moment.

Practicing positive thinking is not about denying the existence of challenges or hardships – but about choosing to focus on the inherent goodness and potential that exists within every situation.

subconscious mind power

Subconscious mind power

  1. Talk about success based on current reality, not as a future endeavor

Too often, we fall into the trap of relegating our dreams and aspirations to some nebulous future, while failing to recognize the power of the present moment in shaping our destiny.

When it comes to tapping into the subconscious mind’s power, many often resort to superficial affirmations and wishful thinking in the hopes of manifesting their desires. However, true mastery of our mind requires a deeper understanding and application of its fundamental principles.

Rather than engaging in self-deception, harnessing the power of the subconscious mind means you need to think about success based on the current reality, not as a future endeavor. It requires aligning your thoughts and words with the present moment – and affirming your capacity for success and fulfillment here and now.

Instead of dwelling on distant aspirations or unfulfilled desires, shift your focus to what you want out of life and take decisive action to bring those desires to fruition. Rather than saying, “I hope to achieve this someday,” affirm, “I am actively working towards my goals right now.”

Similarly, you need to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and contentment in the present moment. Happiness and fulfillment are not contingent upon future achievements but are available to you here and now. Rather than waiting for some elusive future state of happiness, affirm, “I am fully capable of experiencing joy and contentment in this moment.”

By reframing your thoughts and language to focus on the present reality, you harness the transformative power of your mind to manifest your desires with greater clarity and intention. This is the secret to unlocking the full potential of the law of attraction and realizing your dreams in the here and now.

  1. Create a vision board

A vision board is a visual representation of your deepest desires and aspirations; thus, it serves as a concrete reminder of the life you wish to create for yourself. By capturing your goals, dreams, and aspirations in a visual format, you create a powerful tool for manifestation and intention setting.

The process of creating a vision board begins with clarity of vision. Take the time to reflect on your aspirations and identify what truly ignites your passion and purpose. Whether it’s achieving professional success, fostering meaningful relationships, or cultivating a sense of inner peace, be clear and specific about what you want to manifest in your life.

Once you have a clear vision in mind, gather materials that resonate with your aspirations. This could include images, words, quotes, and symbols that evoke the feelings and emotions associated with your desired outcomes. Whether you choose to create a physical board, a digital collage, or a journal, let creativity be your guide.

As you curate your board, be mindful of the energy and intention you infuse into each element. Choose images and words that resonate deeply with your heart and soul, and arrange them in a way that reflects the flow and harmony of your desires.

Once your board is complete, place it in a prominent location where you will see it regularly. Take time each day to connect with your vision, visualizing yourself living the life you desire with clarity and conviction. Allow your vision board to serve as a constant reminder of the infinite possibilities that await you, inspiring you to take action and move confidently toward your dreams.

vision board

Subconscious mind power

  1. Identify the things that are holding you back

Often, we find ourselves hesitating or procrastinating in pursuit of our dreams. That is a sign of conflicting beliefs being at play beneath the surface.

To identify the thoughts that are holding you back, it is essential to engage in a process of self-questioning and introspection. Begin by asking yourself probing questions that invite honest reflection.

  • Why do you find yourself hesitating to take action?
  • What fears or insecurities are lurking beneath the surface?
  • What beliefs or assumptions are shaping your perception of what is possible?
  • etc.

By delving deep into the recesses of your subconscious mind, you can unearth the root causes of your resistance and gain insights into the inner workings of your psyche. It may be that past experiences, societal conditioning, or self-imposed limitations are exerting a powerful influence on your thoughts and behaviors, holding you back from realizing your full potential.

Once you have identified the triggers, the next step is to address them with compassion and understanding. Recognize that these beliefs may have served a protective function in the past but are no longer serving your highest good. Challenge yourself to reframe negative beliefs into more empowering narratives that support your goals and aspirations.

At the same time, it is recommended that you seek out strategies and tools to meet the underlying needs that may be driving your resistance. Whether it’s a need for validation, security, or self-worth, explore ways to cultivate a sense of fulfillment and well-being independent of external circumstances. By nurturing a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-compassion, you can dissolve the barriers that stand between you and your dreams.

Read more: Self-reflection Questions – Toolkit for Life Pilgrims

  1. Have a master plan for your life

Rather than attempting to predict the future or adhere rigidly to a set of predetermined goals, a master plan invites you to embrace the fluidity of life and align your actions with your deepest values and aspirations. Instead of fixating on specific outcomes or timelines, shift your focus to identifying your core values and life purpose – the guiding principles that anchor you amidst the ebb and flow of life.

Begin by asking yourself questions that invite introspection like:

  • What are the fundamental values that inform your decisions and actions?
  • What brings you the greatest sense of fulfillment and meaning?
  • What legacy do you aspire to leave behind?
  • etc.

By envisioning the big picture of your life – the ultimate goals and aspirations that transcend fleeting desires and external expectations – you cultivate a deeper understanding of your true self and your unique place in the world. This holistic perspective serves as a guiding light that illuminates the path forward and informs your decisions with clarity and purpose.

Rather than striving to adhere to a rigid set of goals or timelines, embrace the principles of adaptability and resilience. Remain open to the possibility of new and better opportunities that may arise along the way, while trusting in your ability to navigate the twists and turns of life with grace and resilience.

A master life plan is a declaration of intent – a commitment to living a life of meaning, passion, and fulfillment, guided by the unwavering light of your true self.

vision board

Subconscious mind power

Read more: The Power of Goal Setting – A Blueprint for Success

  1. Keep a gratitude journal

Gratitude holds the power to shift your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance, from a state of longing to one of contentment. By fostering a deep sense of appreciation for the blessings and opportunities that abound in your life, you open yourself to a wealth of joy, fulfillment, and abundance.

One of the most powerful tools for this purpose is the practice of keeping a gratitude journal. This simple yet profound ritual involves setting aside time each day to reflect on the things, people, and experiences for which you are grateful. Whether it’s a kind gesture from a friend, a beautiful sunrise, or a moment of unexpected joy, take a moment to acknowledge and savor the blessings that enrich your life.

Keeping a gratitude journal not only helps you cultivate a mindset of abundance but also serves as a powerful antidote to negativity and discontent. By focusing your attention on the positive aspects of your life, you diminish the grip of fear, doubt, and dissatisfaction, replacing them with feelings of peace, joy, and contentment.

  1. Ask for what you want, even if you know it will be rejected

In many aspects of life, opportunities and rewards often await those who have the courage to ask. Whether it’s negotiating a consulting project, expressing your career ambitions to your superiors, or reaching out to potential collaborators, initiating the conversation is the first step toward realizing your goals.

When approaching situations where rejection may be a possibility, it’s essential to adopt a mindset of resilience and detachment from outcomes. Recognize that rejection is not a reflection of your worth or capabilities but simply a part of the journey toward success.

At the same time, framing your requests in a manner that is transparent, confident, and respectful can increase the likelihood of a positive response. Clearly communicate your intentions, express gratitude for the opportunity to make the request, and be open to constructive feedback or alternative solutions.

Even if your requests are initially met with resistance or rejection, don’t be discouraged. Every “no” brings you one step closer to a “yes” and presents an opportunity for growth and learning. Use feedback from rejections as valuable insights to refine your approach and strengthen your resolve.

Remember, the most successful people are often those who are unafraid to ask for what they want, even in the face of uncertainty or resistance. By embracing the courage to advocate for yourself and your aspirations, you open the door to new possibilities and opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find.

  1. Say no to negativity

Rather than succumbing to defeatism in the face of obstacles, choose to approach each situation with optimism, creativity, and a steadfast belief in your ability to overcome adversity.

One of the most powerful ways to say no to negativity is by taking ownership of your mindset and actively cultivating a positive outlook on life. Instead of dwelling on problems or setbacks, focus your energy on identifying solutions and opportunities for growth. Remember that you have the power to shape your reality through your thoughts and attitudes, and choose to see challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development.

Moreover, it’s essential to surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people who encourage you to strive for excellence and pursue your dreams. Establish a network of friends, coaches, mentors, and peers who share your values and inspire you to reach new heights of success and fulfillment.

When faced with setbacks or disappointments, resist the temptation to dwell on negativity or self-doubt. Instead, maintain a sense of optimism and resilience in the face of adversity, knowing that every challenge you overcome brings you one step closer to your goals.


Subconscious mind power

  1. Connect with like-minded people

When you spend time with people who share your aspirations and values, you benefit from their insights, perspectives, and experiences – as well as receive invaluable support on your journey towards realizing your dreams. Whether it’s brainstorming new ideas, providing constructive feedback, or offering words of encouragement during challenging times, the camaraderie of like-minded individuals can be a source of strength and inspiration.

Conversely, surrounding yourself with those who harbor negativity, doubt, or complacency can stifle your growth and hinder your progress toward your goals. If you find yourself in the company of people who are unhappy with their lives or resistant to change, it’s time to seek out new social circles that align more closely with your vision.

Your friends are not only a reflection of your present reality but also a powerful influence on your future trajectory.

  1. Fill your days with positive affirmations

Start your day on a positive note by incorporating affirmations into your morning routine. Whether it’s reciting mantras aloud, listening to inspirational speeches or podcasts during your commute, or engaging with uplifting content while cooking or exercising, make a conscious effort to flood your mind with positivity and encouragement.

As you expose yourself to motivational content consistently, you’ll begin to internalize these messages and gradually reshape your mindset and outlook on life. Even if you find yourself facing obstacles or setbacks, the seeds of resilience that you’ve planted in your mind will serve as a source of strength that empowers you to persevere in the face of adversity.


Subconscious mind power

Subconscious Mind Books

Below is a list of books about the intricacies of the subconscious mind. These range from practical guides to scientific examinations:

  • The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy: This self-help staple emphasizes practical techniques for changing your destiny through subconscious reprogramming. It’s a great starting point for those seeking a user-friendly guide.
  • The Miracles of Your Mind” by Joseph Murphy: Another publication by Murphy, this one delves deeper into the capabilities of the subconscious.
  • Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by C. James Jensen: If Murphy’s ideas resonate with you, Jensen’s book offers an extended exploration of the subconscious mind’s influence.
  • The Genie Within” by Harry W. Carpenter: This book focuses on understanding our mind’s inner workings and how to harness its power.
  • Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain” by David Eagleman: “Incognito” takes a more scientific approach by exploring the unconscious parts of the brain and their impact on our lives.
  • Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior” by Leonard Mlodinow: Similar to “Incognito,” “Subliminal” delves into the unconscious mind’s influence on behavior, but with a focus on subliminal messages and how they can subtly affect us.
  • The Biology Of Belief” by Bruce H. Lipton: This book explores the fascinating connection between beliefs, the subconscious mind, and even human biology. It’s a good choice if you’re interested in the science behind subconscious influence.
  • The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg: While not directly about the subconscious, Duhigg’s book offers valuable insights into understanding and changing habits, which are largely influenced by the subconscious.

Read more: 20 Best Self-discovery Books to Find Your North Star

Final Thoughts

From its role in regulating our physiological functions to its influence on our perceptions, beliefs, and actions, the subconscious mind holds the key to unlocking our fullest potential and realizing our deepest desires. By understanding how to harness and leverage this innate power, we can transform our lives in remarkable ways, manifesting our dreams, overcoming obstacles, and cultivating a mindset of abundance, resilience, and empowerment.


The Unconscious Mind.

Effects of subconscious and conscious emotions on human cue–reward association learning | Scientific Reports.

Conscious and Subconscious Sensorimotor Synchronization: Prefrontal Cortex and the Influence of Awareness.

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