June 2024

June 2024
Home » Journaling » June 2024

It has been a long time since I last journaled on this blog. I skipped journaling for the whole month of May – and instead focused on creating content and other things. Not sure if that was the right decision – but anyway, what’s done is done.

Now, where to begin…

June 10

It’s just 4 more weeks before my JLPT test in July. This time, the test is much tougher (N2) than the last time I took it in December 2023 (N3). Fortunately, I have been prepared (or so I think).

Looking back, I see that May was not very fruitful in terms of preparing for the test. I have been focusing obsessively on creating content – to the point that I occasionally skipped my Japanese classes in the evening.

Maybe I can make an excuse that I will make up for it via self-study, but still, it was not a very typical act of self-discipline. I guess sometimes I still tend to act like a fool.

The good thing is that the blog is starting to stabilize now in terms of content and traffic. I guess it means it’s time for me to stop blogging intensively for a while – and instead focus on preparing for the upcoming test.

Previously, I have been talking about getting an English teaching job in my February and March journals. Looking back, it seems that things didn’t go out quite as I had planned. But I believe my choice has been for the greater good – after all, I’m not ready to “be with the flow” yet.

I promise to myself – I will get one after taking my JLPT test on July 7. And if I pass it, I will definitely try landing a job teaching Japanese!

Now let’s see, what am I supposed to do for the next 4 weeks?

Preparing for the N2 test

Definitely. But how should I map out the roadmap from here to there?

I guess let’s just start with the basics – today, I will revise all of the Kanji characters I have learned in my N2 class since the beginning of the year. Not sure if I will be able to revisit all of them today – but I will do my best.

Tomorrow, if things go out as planned, let’s deal with the Vocabulary of N2 (I assume it may takes 1-2 days – let’s assume it’s one day)

On Wednesday, the grammar of Mimikara N2.

On Thursday, let’s revisit the Kanji characters I learned back in the day – when I was still in N3.

On Friday, the vocabulary of N3.

On Saturday, the grammar of Mimikara N3.

On Sunday, I will visit my parents in their hometown – so I will not learn anything on that day (besides, may need to take a little time to rest occasionally).

Guess that’s a solid roadmap. Will update the progress at the end of the day.

And on Sunday evening, let’s map out the roadmap for the next week depending on how things turn out at that point.

English tutor

OK, but before I start following it, maybe let’s spend some time preparing the slides/ materials for tomorrow’s English tutor session with my friend’s wife – so that I can completely focus on learning without any distractions.

On Thursday, there will be a test – I guess let’s prepare for it on Wednesday morning.

And on Saturday evening, I will prepare the slides/ materials for next week’s tutor sessions.

But still, one more thing…

Checking the Japanese site’s articles

I guess sooner or later, I will have to do it. As much as I have tried to do my best, I guess I still need someone to revisit it – making sure the grammar, word usage, content flow, writing style, etc. is optimized.

I guess let’s contact my previous Japanese sensei – and see if she’s ready to tackle it.

Somehow, I’m afraid of reaching out to her – not sure why? Maybe I’m afraid of being judged, of her potential response (rejection/ whatever). But still, I guess that’s my only option now. After all, maybe I should reach out to her soon – if not for the blog, for my future career path!

Ok, I’ll do it. I’ll message her – and then prepare for tomorrow’s tutor session, and then back to preparing for the test.

Wish me best of luck! See you!


(11:45 AM GMT+7 – June 10, 2024)

June 11

OK – have done the three things mapped out yesterday. Sensei said she was too busy, but she could recommend someone else to help. Let’s see how things will turn out!

The tutoring session today is already done. Have a test for her on Sunday – guess I should prepare for it right now (better than tomorrow).

After that, going back to Kanji learning (not progressing quite well – but still, 5 lessons are decent). Btw, I think it’s better to immediately prepare the test for tomorrow’s tutor sessions after revising the Kanji characters – instead of jumping to other domains immediately.

Alright, let’s smash it! See you!


(12:30 PM GMT+7 – June 11, 2024)

Jun 12

It seems that it will be tough for my sensei to find someone who can help. Anyway, what can I do now? Shikata ga nai.

Anw, 10 Kanji lessons already – not too shabby. But I guess I should try to move the needle faster. Let’s aim to finish the rest today, shall I?

After that, I can move on to preparing for tomorrow’s tutor session.

See you!


(08:30 AM GMT+7 – June 12, 2024)

20 Kanji lessons – not bad! I guess that should be enough for today – will deal with the rest tomorrow, after the tutoring session.

Now let’s see. I guess let’s have dinner, then go shopping, then have some exercise, and finally prepare the test for tomorrow’s tutor session.

See you!

(4:45 PM GMT+7 – June 12, 2024)

June 13

Two more Kanji lessons to go – let’s try finishing them tonight before revising them all tomorrow! After that, maybe I can have a look at the N3 Kanji characters, before doing a few tests to solidify the knowledge.

(5:10 PM GMT+7 – June 13, 2024)

June 14

Let’s see – all of the N2 Kanji characters have been revisited! According to the plan, let’s just revisit them all again this morning, before moving on to the N3 characters (guess that should take all day). Maybe tomorrow let’s spend time doing some revision Kanji tests!

Still have trouble remembering the kunyomi pronunciation of some characters – I guess I should find some tricks online and force myself to write lines whenever I forget one of them though.

Not too shabby – I guess I’m still on track. Only 3 more weeks – so here I go!

See you!

(08:10 AM GMT+7 – June 14, 2024)

June 15

The N3 Kanji characters have not been revisited yet – but I guess it shouldn’t take too much time (after all, they are simpler). Let’s smash it today – and see if I have enough time to do some revision tests!

Tomorrow I will be back in my hometown – guess I can revise the N2 vocabulary while on the bus.

OK, time for a new fruitful day (or so I hope)!

(09:45 AM GMT+7 – June 15, 2024)

It took longer than I expected to revisit the N3 Kanji characters. That said, I only needed one day to do it (compared to the 3-4 days needed for the N2 Kanji characters), so I guess it’s still an achievement worth celebrating.

Let’s have dinner, have some rest, and (maybe) either have a haircut or go out for a walk (or both).

Happy weekend!

(05:35 PM GMT+7 – June 15, 2024)

June 17

Let’s see – another week has begun. I only have 3 more weeks to prepare for the JLPT test. No time for games now!

Anw, the N2 & N3 Kanji characters were revisited last week – and I have re-taken a look at 150/800 words in the N2 vocabulary list I learned months ago. Way to go!

I guess let’s do some Kanji revision tests to solidify what I learned last week – before continuing with the N2 vocabulary (followed by the N3 vocabulary => vocabulary revision tests => N2 grammar => N3 grammar => grammar revision tests => Choukai => Dokkai)

Tomorrow morning, there is a tutor session. Will prepare for it this evening, I guess.

See you!

(11:40 AM GMT+7 – June 17, 2024)

June 18

I got carried away by something trivial last night – shouldn’t have been that obsessed with getting things done. There is no excuse for it.

What should I do now?

I have tested my Kanji learning by doing the Kanji sections of all N2 tests from 2010 till last year. I guess that should be enough – for now. Maybe if I have the time this weekend, I will do some yosoumondai to better solidify my knowledge.

For now, I assume it’s time to get back to reviewing the N2 vocabulary (150/800 characters so far). Let’s see if I can hit 600 characters today!

(03:50 PM GMT+7 – June 18, 2024)

June 19

Let’s smash all of the vocabulary within today – so that I have time to revisit the N2 & N3 grammar before committing myself to choukai and dokkai the next 2 weeks!

(08:45 AM GMT+7 – June 19, 2024)

June 20

Let’s see – I have reviewed all of the 800 N2 vocabularies. Guess that it’s time for me to do some revision tests to solidify my knowledge.

If things go out as planned, I guess I can move on to reviewing the N2 & N3 grammar tomorrow.

Not sure if I will be able to focus on learning this Saturday – but I’ll do my best.

OK, here I come!

(04:00 PM GMT+7 – June 20, 2024)

June 21

Still in the progress of doing JLPT tests to review my vocabulary & Kanji knowledge. Hope that I will be able to finish this task this morning – after which I think I should relook at the special vocabularies that I have listed down that require attention.

If things go out as planned, this afternoon I should be able to start reviewing the N2 & N3 grammar points.

OK, let’s do it!

(09:05 AM GMT+7 – June 21, 2024)

June 23

Not quite according to the plan. But now, I can start reviewing the grammar points – so I guess it’s not too shabby.

Just 2 more weeks – you can do it! Ganbatte ne!

(09:15 AM GMT+7 – June 23, 2024)

June 24

Let’s see – I have reviewed all of the N2 & N3 grammar points, but I guess I should recheck them before doing some revision exercises & tests.

Hope that I can finish dealing with the grammar today or tomorrow – so I can move on to choukai and dokkai as soon as possible.

All right, let’s do it! Time for another fruitful day!

(09:20 AM GMT+7 – June 24, 2024)

June 25

Maybe I will have to delay practicing choukaii and dokkai for a few days. I need more grammar practice.

Today, let’s do some grammar revision exercises – and then sentence arrangement, and then grammar-in-passage exercises (probably tomorrow).

(01:00 PM GMT+7 – June 25, 2024)

June 26

I think I have done enough grammar-in-sentence exercises (for now) – let’s move on to sentence arrangement and grammar-in-passage ones today. Let’s smash them all – so that I have time for choukai and dokkaiI starting tomorrow.

Need to review the keigo and rareru/saseru/saserareru stuffs – not sure why I hate the latter so much. I’ve always found it really perplexing to solve the rareru/saseru/saserareru questions. But what can I do now? Shikata ga nai.

OK, let’s do it! I have no time for games!

(08:20 AM GMT+7 – June 26, 2024)

June 27

Time is running out – I have to keep moving fast!

Let’s see – yesterday I did all of the sentence arrangement sections in the previous tests. I think it’s time to move on to the grammar-in-passage section – and try to smash it this morning (so that I can start doing choukai and dokkai immediately).

OK, here I come! Ganbatte ne.

(08:25 AM GMT+7 – June 27, 2024)

June 28

Let’s see – it’s time to move on to Choukai and Dokkai now, I guess. Moving forward, I think let’s split the time of each day into 2 halves – the morning for Choukai, and the afternoon for Dokkai (for the evening, let’s just decide what to do depending on how it turns out at the end of the day).

I think today, let’s start with mondai 4 (Quick response) for Choukkai, and mondai 6 (Information retrieval) for Dokkai to warm things up and get me ready to roll.

Ok, let’s do it! Tenki ga ii kara, sanposhimashou!

(08:25 AM GMT+7 – June 28, 2024)

June 29

I think it has been a long time since it last rained in the morning – like it is right now. Not too bright for a new day, right? Luckily, I already got and finished my breakfast – so… yeah!

Now let’s see – I have reviewed the sokuza section of the Choukai test, as well as the jouhoukensaku one of the Dokkai test. It seems I’m still on track – for now!

I guess learning from yesterday’s experience (it got really hot in the afternoon – so hot that made me extremely irritated), let’s start with Dokkai in the morning. Apparently, it’s time for me to deal with the sougourikai for Dokkai, and Mondai 1 & 2 for Choukai.

One more week left – let’s make the most of what I’ve got!

Ok, here I go! Tenki ga chotto yokunai desukedo, tonikaku sanposhimashou!

(08:00 AM GMT+7 – June 29 2024)

Let’s Tread the Path Together, Shall We?

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