Life of an Introvert: A Few Lines of Personal Reflection

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This article offers a glimpse into the life of an introvert – based on my own experiences. Whether you are one yourself or just curious about this personality type, there’s a lot to be discovered and learned here!

The world today often buzzes with a frenetic energy, fueled by extroverts who thrive on constant connection. Yet, in the quieter corners, bathed in the warm glow of a reading lamp or the peaceful hum of a solitary walk, another kind of energy simmers within me.

As an introvert, my life unfolds in a rhythm all its own, punctuated by moments of deep reflection, meaningful connections, and the soul-stirring power of solitude. This is an invitation to peer into my world, a world where quiet moments hold profound meaning, where words are carefully chosen and connections are fiercely cherished.

Join me as I explore the joys, challenges, and quiet wisdom of an introverted life, will you?


  • As one who identifies himself as an introvert, I find energy in solitude, prefer deep conversations in small groups, and enjoy quiet activities for self-reflection.
  • My life is characterized by quiet mornings and evenings for solo activities like walks, hobbies, and reflection, with social interaction limited to close friends and one-on-one conversations.
  • Despite the challenges, introverts like me are perfectly capable of being successful and happy – by prioritizing alone time, connecting meaningfully with others, embracing their strengths, and setting boundaries to prevent social overload.

Living the Life of an Introvert

What does being an introvert mean?

According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, an introvert is defined as “a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone“.

Now, I’m a little bit skeptical about whether we should divide people’s personalities into types like this. That said, given the framework’s popularity, let’s just make things simple by sticking to it.

So by the definition above, I am definitely an introvert.

  • Need for solitude

Solitude is about gaining energy from spending time alone. This doesn’t mean I am shy and dislike people – it’s just that I find social interactions really draining/ overstimulating; as such, I need alone time to recharge.

  • Reflective and introspective

I tend to focus more on my internal thoughts and feelings than on external stimuli. Whenever I need to raise my voice on something, I enjoy thinking deeply about things before speaking.

  • Prefer small groups and meaningful conversations

I often find large gatherings overwhelming and therefore prefer smaller, more intimate settings where I can have deeper conversations. To others, I seem to be a quiet observer in large groups, who only comes alive in one-on-one interactions.

  • Enjoy listening and observing

Rather than spending time speaking, I enjoy paying close attention to what others are saying and feeling, and observing the world around me.

  • Few – yet deep connections

While I may have fewer close friends, those I do get in touch with frequently truly matter. I value quality over quantity and invest my energy in building deep connections with like-minded individuals. As such, most of the bonds I have are really strong and meaningful. 

  • Independent and self-sufficient

I am comfortable making my own decisions and working on projects independently. Normally, I am not quite fond of seeking out leadership roles – but if it’s absolutely necessary for me to take on such a role (or so I think), I will not run away from it.

  • Creative and imaginative

I remember there was a time when I was drawn to creative pursuits like writing, art, and music. Back in the day, I used to spend a lot of time writing fantasy “fiction” after reading works like Harry Potter or Eragon. As childish as my work was, I was quite happy with doing what I loved to do.

Life changed – and now I am too busy to pursue such activities. That said, I believe my inner fire for creativity has not been extinguished yet.

Every day, when I travel from work back home, one thing I really enjoy doing (to be honest, I don’t recommend you do that) is singing as I drive. As crazy as it may seem to some people, why should I care anyway?

Read more: 11 Essential Singing Tips for Beginners to Unlock Your Vocal Potential

  • Enjoy quiet activities

I often prefer solitary activities like reading, writing, and spending time in nature – those that allow me to reflect on my inner world. As mentioned, it’s because I find loud or stimulating environments overwhelming.

  • Slow decision-making

I often take time making decisions, preferring to weigh all options carefully before committing. I value thoughtful analysis and may seem cautious compared to more impulsive individuals. Therefore, it may take a really long time before I decide to commit to something. That said, when I do, I usually stick with it – “to the bitter end”.

life of an introvert

Life of a true introvert

A Day in the Life of an Introvert

I’m an introvert… I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, and the sky.

Audrey Hepburn

What is it like being an introvert?

Well, you can say a normal day for one like me should be like this.

Every day, as my alarm rings, I would hit snooze and savor the quiet cocoon of my blankets for a few more minutes. To me, mornings are precious solo time. I would wake slowly, get a cup of coffee, and enjoy the quiet hum of the sunrise. This introspective silent time is my fuel for the day.

Work life

Whether it’s at the office or the coffee shop (on the weekend), my typical routine is finding solace in headphones and dedicated workspaces. Solo brainstorming sessions are where I find myself truly excelling.

I don’t like sitting close to those who talk too much – these people, I find, are true distractors who would just keep me unable to concentrate (thereby diluting my work quality).

Sometimes – when I am deeply engraved in my work – I can get scarily frustrated if someone comes to me to ask something (or my boss approaches and asks me to do an “urgent” mundane task).

I tend to (if possible) stray away from large meetings (or remain silent unless I have to say something). To me, these are (mostly) a waste of time – a chance for lousy people to raise their voices and overwhelm others. Smaller meetings – ideally one-to-one sessions – are much more comfortable for me (and productive too).

When it’s lunchtime, I prefer spending time either alone at my desk or outside with 1-2 close friends. Sitting in large groups – where people constantly chit-chat about seemingly trivial stuff – just stresses me out and makes me stay silent most of the time (or respond with sarcastic remarks when people try to “hook” me).

There are times when I may reach out to my boss/ colleague/ mentor for advice or consultation, but that’s only if it’s really necessary to do so (and I find that it’s beyond my capability to solve things on my own).

While in the office, I may occasionally take breaks – but most of the time, I enjoy relaxing alone or having a light talk/ walk with a trusted friend (rather than hanging out in groups like many others do).

Social life

After work – unless I have something to do (e.g. go to class to study/ teach) or would like to have some rest at home – I may meet a close friend for a coffee or a quiet dinner, where we may enjoy deep conversation about niches that we are interested in (e.g. future path, purpose, spirituality, books, etc.).

Sometimes, my company/ boss may hold a gathering for everyone to attend. To be honest, I really hate these parties – most of the time (I think) people just go there to have dinner/ engage in trash talks.

Speaking of which, I remember one time – a boss at one of my previous companies invited everyone to a nightclub bar. Oh dear, I cannot express how much of a nightmare it was for me. The noise, the music, the dancing… I could not understand how people might find comfort in such a place.

As an introvert, I know my own limits – and I have made it a must to prioritize quality over quantity.

People may raise their eyebrows at me, thinking that I am different.

To me, such people are all the same.

life of an introvert

Life of an introvert


Back in my haven, (unless I have work to do) I would normally unwind with a favorite hobby such as:

  • Listening to either classical music (those of world-renowned musicians like Bach, Chopin, etc.) or classical crossover pieces (e.g. those of singers like Il Divo, Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, etc.)
  • Practicing the crossover pieces I enjoy.
  • Playing a video game (say no to action games like Dota – which I used to play, but no longer now. I prefer calming, adventurous ones like Pokemon. Even though they are not quite challenging, the story, the music, the hype of meeting new characters/ collecting items/ discovering new mysteries/ even learning life lessons… are just too good for me).
  • Watching streamers play (this is what I mostly do now – instead of playing myself. Not only to save time and energy, but also to avoid falling into an endless cycle of emotions again).
  • Blogging (like what I am doing right now).
  • Reading books/ novels/ mangas.
  • Watching fantasies/ animes (a little time-consuming, so I don’t do this very often).
  • Listening to film/ game soundtracks (FYI, here are some of my favorite ones: Diagon Alley, Yugi-Oh, Sun & Moon, LOTR, WC3 – Human, etc.)
  • Surfing Google in search of topics that I am interested in.
  • Or simply enjoying the quiet company of my own thoughts.
  • etc.

These are what I typically do, both to recharge my social battery for the next day – and to reflect on my experiences and “be me”. The authentic me.

A typical day of mine is not one filled with constant social interaction – yet I maintain my firm belief that it is rich, fulfilling, and perfectly tailored to my personal needs.

Do you think so, my introverted friends?

Love life

To be honest, I do not have a girlfriend – yet. Research, work, my inner world… these have been taking up quite a portion of my life.

That said, I still would like to share a few lines of reflection here.

As I have already mentioned, deeper connections mean much more to me than casual flings. When it comes to getting to know someone else, I tend to take my time and prefer one-on-one or small group settings to loud bars/ parties.

Whenever I hang out with someone, I prefer spending time in quiet and confined spaces like coffee shops – where we can maintain autonomy and enjoy slow, yet peaceful and meaningful discussions.

During conversations, I tend to step back and let my partner/ friend take the initiative first – until the window is open for me (e.g. my partner asks for my input/ has already finished their sharing). Disrupting while the other is talking is – to me – not only mean but also taking up quite a bit of my energy.

If my partner happens to ask a somehow sensitive/ personal/ potentially misleading questions, my tendency is to ask for clarification before proceeding. Sometimes, to “light up” the conversation, I may “spice” things up with a few sarcastic remarks (it’s just me – I like somehow shocking, yet humorous and insightful comments that do not mean to hurt anyone at all).

I do not have a girlfriend yet now – but if I do have one in the future, I would enjoy running errands for her in a silent manner, rather than resorting to verbal expressions.

That’s just my own unique way of doing things.

Does it mean I can only get attracted to introverts like me?

I don’t think it has to be so.

Partners, I think, are meant to cover each other’s shortcomings. Hence, I assume it’s perfectly OK for an introvert to get into a relationship with an extrovert – as long as the two respect each other’s boundaries.

Read more: Law of Attraction – Tips for Manifesting Abundance in Life

introvert life

The secret life of an introvert

Life and Struggles of an Introvert

You may think I’m small, but I have a universe inside my mind.

Yoko Ono

Is life difficult for introverts? Can introverts ever succeed in life? Does life suck for them?

Those are a few common questions – especially among so-called “extroverts” (who happen to be the majority of people out there). People like me are often misunderstood – sometimes even labeled for being shy or antisocial. Some even deem introversion as a weakness that needs to be “overcome”.

I understand that our personality orientation comes with its shortcomings – especially given how “noisy” the world out there has been becoming.

To those who do not understand our personality, we may appear as rude and arrogant – even though we never mean to.

People often criticize and pressure us to become more outgoing, talkative, or “fun” – which just drains us even more and makes some of us question our own identity. (really, if we do the same thing to them – would they be happy at all?)

Even when our love runs deep, articulating our feelings & expressing them outwardly is often quite difficult – no wonder why people mistake our intentions for something else.

Small talk and networking events prove challenging for us – who prefer deeper conversations. We often struggle to “put ourselves out there” in social settings.

Even when we do possess the capacity to contribute to work, the harsh reality is that most workplace environments do not really cater to our need for focused work and quiet space. (and then people say that we don’t meet the requirements to advance to greater heights)

We need space and time for reflection and recharge. At the same time, we also search for meaningful relationships and social support from like-minded people. Given the dominance of extrovert-dominated settings in the current world, I might say that it is not always an easy task to do.

life of an introvert

Despite the various challenges, I strongly believe that there is very little reason for us to “become more extroverted”.

To me, introversion is simply a personality preference related to how we gain and expend energy.

As introverts, we can be just as funny, outgoing, and interesting as extroverts. We simply express ourselves in different ways (sometimes really shocking ways that may take people aback).

Speaking of which, I remember one day, one of my colleagues remarked to others that she was feeling dull and hoped to have some kind of drink to make life less “bland”.

I said, sarcastically: “Well then, just drink salt!”

I wish you had been there to witness the facial expressions of other people in the conversation. It was priceless!

Well, that’s the way we introverts do things (or so I think).

We introverts can be just as successful and happy as extroverts; we just need different environments to thrive.

life of an introvert meme

Life of an introvert meme

What Do Introverts Hate/ Love

I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but like everybody else, it must be in my own way.

Jane Austen

Each person has their own preferences and needs when it comes to what they hate and love. As an introvert myself (and also based on personal observation), I would like to share some common experiences as follows:

Things we hate

  • Superficial small talk: I prefer meaningful conversations with depth and substance. To me, small “trash” talks are just draining and uninspiring (in which case, I would prefer to take a nap to preserve energy & avoid the “karma” of discussing people’s stuff rather).
  • Energy vampires and drama: Really, what’s the point of being bombarded with gossip, drama, and pointless news about some kind of celebrities that have nothing to do with my life?
  • Excessive noise: Loud music, noisy crowds, constant chatter… these things just get on my nerve all the time. I can only focus if accompanied by silence or soothing sounds.
  • Constant social stimulation: Large gatherings, loud crowded environments, and endless social commitments are, to me, really overwhelming and just deplete my energy.
  • Unplanned social interactions: Spontaneous last-minute plans, being put on the spot in social situations… these are not within my realm. Most of the time, I will just decline or leave as early as possible.
  • Pressure to be extroverted: The expectation to act more outgoing or “bubbly”, which just results in internal conflict and feelings of inadequacy. Why wouldn’t others respect our choices and boundaries? (thankfully, I am much more grown up compared to my previous years – so it is not quite an issue right now to me)
  • Judgments and misunderstandings: Being mistaken for shy, stuck-up, or antisocial – when my nature is simply introspective.

Things we love

  • Deep, meaningful conversations: Sharing thoughts and ideas with people I connect with on a deeper level.
  • Quiet time for solitude: Recharge time alone is not just enjoyable but essential for me to process my thoughts, recharge energy, and foster creativity.
  • Small, intimate gatherings: Spending quality time with close friends or loved ones in relaxed settings.
  • Creative pursuits: Whether it’s writing, music, art, or any other creative self-expression outlets. To me, these are much more satisfying compared to verbal expression.
  • Focused activities: Those that require me to delve deep into a topic or project, like reading, writing, or vocal exercises.
  • Meaningful work: Engaging in tasks that allow me to focus deeply, utilize my analytical skills, and contribute in a meaningful way.
  • Authenticity and genuine connection: Relationships built on mutual understanding, respect, loyalty, and commitment.

If only extroverts were more aware of the above-mentioned things, I believe the world would have become a much better place!

That said, we all have limitations in terms of awareness – and we cannot change the past at all.

If you are an extrovert who has been struggling with those like me, I hope that my sharing above will make it easier for you to (at least) understand and empathize with us.

introvert life

Life of an introvert vs extrovert

How to Enjoy Life as an Introvert

Don’t think of introversion as something that needs to be cured… Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to.

Susan Cain



  • Schedule alone time: Block out periods in your day or week for solitude, even if it’s just 30 minutes for reading or quiet reflection.
  • Create a sanctuary: Designate a comfortable and quiet space in your home for relaxation and solo activities. Declutter, choose calming colors, and create spaces for quiet activities you enjoy.
  • Practice mindfulness: Activities like meditation can help you manage stress and connect with your inner world.
  • Embrace nature: Spend time outdoors, walking, gardening, or simply soaking in the natural world.
  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms: Find healthy ways to deal with social anxiety or overwhelm, like deep breathing exercises, journaling, or spending time with pets.


  • Seek meaningful connections: Invest in quality friendships with people who understand and appreciate your nature.
  • Join communities: Find groups or activities that align with your interests, providing opportunities for deeper connections with like-minded people.
  • Communicate openly: Express your needs and preferences to friends, family, and partners to foster understanding and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Express yourself in your own way: You don’t have to be the loudest person in the room to be heard. Share your thoughts and ideas in ways that feel comfortable, like writing, art, or one-on-one conversations.


  • Pursue your passions: Engage in hobbies and activities that bring you joy and allow you to express yourself authentically.
  • Manage your calendar: Plan your social activities in advance – and limit them to a few close friends or family members.
  • Set boundaries: Learn to say “no” to overwhelming social commitments and prioritize activities that align with your energy levels. Prioritize your well-being, and decline invitations that don’t resonate with you.
  • Challenge negative thoughts: Counter self-doubt and societal expectations by embracing your introverted strengths and unique perspective.


  • Force yourself to be extroverted: Don’t feel pressured to change who you are. Remember, your personality type is a gift – not a curse. Therefore, just shrug things off and get on with your life.
  • Apologize for your needs: You deserve time and space for solitude. Don’t feel guilty for prioritizing your well-being.
  • Believe negative stereotypes: Don’t let others define you based on misconceptions about introverts. You are capable, interesting, and have valuable contributions to make. Don’t let low self-confidence or self-esteem hold you back.
  • Force yourself into situations that drain you: Don’t feel obligated to attend every social event. Prioritize your need for solitude and recharge when needed.
  • Isolate yourself completely: While alone time is crucial, some social interaction is still important. Find a balance that works for you -and don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or online communities for meaningful interactions.
  • Compare yourself to others: Each person’s social needs are different. Focus on what feels right for you, not what others think you should do.
  • Ignore your inner voice: Pay attention to your energy levels and don’t push yourself beyond your limits. Listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.
  • Neglect your physical health: Exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep are crucial for everyone, including introverts. Taking care of your body will improve your energy levels and overall well-being.
  • Be afraid to ask for help: If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a therapist, coach, mentor, or counselor. They can provide guidance and support for navigating challenges.
  • Forget to have fun: We introverts often get too serious or focused on work or goals, thereby neglecting our well-being and happiness (I am a good example of this). Learn to relax, laugh, and have fun with yourself and others, and appreciate the beauty and wonder of life.

Living an introverted life is about understanding yourself, respecting your needs, and creating a lifestyle that aligns with your preferences. While the experiences are often challenging, I hope you will remind yourself to constantly embrace your unique strengths and find ways to connect, recharge, and thrive in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to you.

Read more: Questions about Confidence – Blueprint for Fostering Self-Esteem

survive as an introvert

How to survive as an introvert

Now to Address Some Questions

A quick search reveals to me that people have a lot of concerns when it comes to the life of an introvert. What I’m going to share with you below may not be completely professional – but as an introvert myself, I strongly believe that my insights should provide you with a good starting point.

Can an introvert be with an introvert?

Absolutely! In fact, two introverts can create a wonderfully supportive and understanding relationship. We both get the need for alone time, appreciate meaningful conversations, and value quiet moments together.

Imagine cozy nights exploring hobbies, deep discussions over tea, or comfortable silences that feel anything but awkward. It’s not about needing constant social interaction, but about finding someone who respects your introverted nature and complements your strengths.

Can you become an introvert later in life?

While personality traits tend to be relatively stable, individual experiences can certainly shape how you interact with the world. If you find yourself becoming more drained by social interactions, seeking quieter spaces, and preferring deeper conversations, it could be a natural shift in your preferences.

To me, it’s not about becoming a completely different person – but acknowledging a growing need for introspective solitude.

Do introverts get more introverted with age?

It’s a common observation that many people, regardless of personality type, tend to crave more solitude as they age. Priorities shift, and the desire for meaningful connections over superficial interactions often grows. Introverts might simply feel more comfortable embracing their need for alone time without societal pressure to be constantly “on.”

However, individual experiences vary; some introverts might find their social circles smaller but deeper friendships later in life.

How long can introverts be alone?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer! Just like extroverts have varying social needs, introverts too have different comfort levels with solitude. Some might find hours of solitary activities rejuvenating, while others might prefer shorter periods interspersed with brief social interactions.

The key is to listen to your inner voice and respect your unique needs for recharge.

Will I always be an introvert?

While core personality traits tend to be stable, there’s always room for growth and change. Life experiences, personal choices, and self-discovery can influence how you interact with the world. You might find yourself becoming more comfortable in social situations while still valuing your introverted tendencies.

Remember, being an introvert is not a fixed label but a spectrum of preferences. Embrace where you are on that spectrum and allow yourself to evolve as you journey through life.

Are introverts loners?

Definitely not! While we prioritize alone time, introverts crave deep and meaningful connections just as much as anyone else. We form strong bonds with close friends and loved ones, often cherishing quality time over large gatherings. We might express affection differently, perhaps through thoughtful gestures or meaningful conversations, but our connections can be just as rich and fulfilling.

lifestyle of an introvert

Lifestyle of an introvert

Life of an Introvert: Quotes for Inspiration

Before we wrap up things, let us go over some inspirational quotes that I – as a so-called introvert – find really resonating with me. If you happen to be one like me, I hope that you will be able to “ignite” your inner fire after reading them:

I was never less alone than when by myself.

Edward Gibbon


Silence is a source of great strength.

Lao Tzu


Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.

Albert Einstein


Alone had always felt like an actual place to me, as if it weren’t a state of being, but rather a room where I could retreat to be who I really was.

Cheryl Strayed


I want to be alone… with someone else who wants to be alone.

Dimitri Zaik


As a child, I suppose I was not quite normal. My happiest times were when I was left alone in the house on a Saturday.

Charles Bukowski

(If you enjoy the quotes above, I have compiled an even more extensive list here.

Also, make sure to check out this book: Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking)

Final Thoughts

And that concludes my sharing about the life of an introvert. It may not be one lived in constant spotlights, but it’s a life rich in depth, meaning, and quiet strength.

Remember, while we may seem like a quiet counterpoint to the extroverted hum, introverts like me offer a unique perspective on the world – a perspective worth cherishing just as much as the laughter and buzz of the crowd. So, the next time you encounter one, don’t hesitate to reach out, ask questions, and perhaps discover a whole new layer of richness in the tapestry of human experience. After all, the world needs both the vibrant chatter and the quiet whispers – it is in the harmonious blend of both that we find the true symphony of life.


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