70 Questions about Confidence: Blueprint for Fostering Self-Esteem

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Explore a list of thought-provoking questions about confidence – curated to enhance self-esteem & promote authenticity for everyone.

This comprehensive guide offers a blueprint for self-discovery and empowerment through 70 carefully crafted questions about confidence – curated to guide you on your journey of reflection and growth. Whether you’re seeking to overcome self-doubt, embrace your strengths, or redefine your perception of confidence, these should serve as a compass that will bring you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and greater self-assurance.


  • The questions listed in this article are divided into sections as follows: self-reflection (negative beliefs, positive qualities, body image, personal values, self-worth), coaching questions, and prompts for children (kids and youth).
  • Asking questions about confidence is crucial for promoting self-discovery, building self-belief, strengthening relationships, boosting career prospects, and increasing resilience.
  • Consider topics like strengths, values, goals, fears, self-talk, habits, skills, comfort zones, and support networks to explore and cultivate confidence.
  • Ask open-ended, honest, and specific questions, using “why” and “how” to explore solutions, and answer thoughtfully to foster self-awareness.
  • You can nurture confidence daily by practicing positive affirmations, self-care, setting achievable goals, challenging yourself, learning, helping others, and doing activities you enjoy.

Asking Yourself: Questions About Confidence for Self-reflection

Negative beliefs

  1. What negative beliefs do I hold about myself?

Reflect on any beliefs you have about yourself that undermine your confidence or self-worth. These could be related to abilities, appearance, or personal qualities.

  1. When do I feel most insecure, and why?

Identify specific situations or triggers that lead to feelings of insecurity, and explore the underlying reasons behind these emotions.

  1. How do I react to failure or criticism?

Consider your responses to setbacks or negative feedback. By reflecting on previous reactions, you may realize areas that require the cultivation of resilience or self-compassion.

  1. Do I compare myself to others often?

Examine whether you frequently measure your worth against others, and how this habit affects your confidence.

  1. What past experiences have shaped my self-image?

Reflect on significant events or relationships that have influenced how you perceive yourself. Understanding these influences can help you work through negative self-perceptions.

  1. Am I afraid of taking risks or trying new things?

Explore any fears or hesitations you have about stepping out of your comfort zone.

  1. How do I talk to myself when facing challenges?

Pay attention to your inner dialogue during difficult times. Notice whether you tend to encourage yourself or engage in self-criticism, and consider how this impacts your confidence.

  1. Do I prioritize self-care and nurturing my needs?

Assess whether you prioritize activities that promote your well-being and self-esteem, such as practicing self-care, setting boundaries, or pursuing hobbies you enjoy.

  1. What limiting beliefs do I need to let go of?

Identify any beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential or embracing opportunities.

  1. How can I celebrate my successes and achievements?

Explore ways to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, so as to boost confidence and reinforce a positive self-image.

questions about confidence

Rhetorical questions about confidence

Positive qualities

  1. What positive qualities do others see in me?

Seek feedback from friends, family, or colleagues about your strengths and positive attributes.

  1. When do I feel most empowered and confident?

Reflect on situations or activities where you feel most confident and capable.

  1. What achievements or successes am I proud of?

List past accomplishments or milestones that you take pride in. Reflecting on these achievements should remind you of your capabilities and lead to greater confidence in yourself.

  1. How do I express gratitude for myself and others?

Consider how you acknowledge and appreciate your own efforts and the support you receive from others.

  1. What positive affirmations resonate with me?

Identify affirming statements or mantras that uplift and encourage you – then incorporate these affirmations into your daily routine to lay the foundation for establishing a positive self-image.

  1. Do I set realistic goals and celebrate progress?

Assess your goal-setting habits and whether you recognize and celebrate milestones along the way.

  1. How do I handle compliments and praise?

Reflect on your reactions to compliments and praise from others. Consider whether you accept or deflect positive feedback and how this influences your confidence.

  1. What activities or hobbies make me feel alive?

Identify activities or interests that bring you joy and fulfillment. Engaging frequently in these pursuits is a great way to cultivate self-confidence and provide a sense of purpose/ identity at the same time.

  1. Who are my role models, and why do I admire them?

Think about individuals you look up to and admire for their qualities or achievements. Reflecting on these role models should inspire and empower you to cultivate similar traits.

  1. How do I contribute positively to my community?

Consider the ways in which you give back or make a difference in your community or social circles.

questions about confidence

Self-confidence questions

Body image

  1. How do I feel about my physical appearance?

Reflect on your thoughts and feelings about your body image. Consider how societal standards and personal perceptions influence your self-esteem and confidence.

  1. What aspects of my appearance do I appreciate?

Identify features or qualities about your physical appearance that you feel positively about.

  1. How do I respond to societal beauty standards?

Consider whether you feel pressured to conform to mainstream beauty ideals and how this impacts your self-perception. Explore ways to redefine beauty on your own terms.

  1. What role does self-care play in my body image?

Reflect on how practices like grooming, exercise, and nourishing your body affect your perception of yourself.

  1. Do I compare my body to unrealistic standards?

Examine whether you measure your body against unattainable or idealized images portrayed in media or society.

  1. How can I practice self-compassion towards my body?

Explore ways to cultivate kindness and acceptance toward your body, especially during moments of insecurity or self-criticism.

  1. What activities make me feel comfortable in my body?

Identify activities or experiences that help you feel connected to and appreciative of your body.

  1. How do I talk to myself about my physical appearance?

Pay attention to your inner dialogue regarding your body. Notice whether you engage in self-criticism or supportive self-talk, and consider how this influences your body image and confidence.

  1. What societal influences affect my body image?

Reflect on media, cultural norms, and social pressures that shape your perception of beauty and body image. Understanding these influences should enable you to develop a healthier relationship with your body.

  1. How can I challenge negative body image beliefs?

Explore strategies for challenging and reframing negative beliefs about your body. This might involve practicing gratitude, focusing on functionality over appearance, or seeking support from others.

questions about body confidence

Questions about body confidence

Personal values & Self-worth

  1. What values are most important to me in life?

Reflect on the principles and beliefs that guide your choices and actions. This is a great method to enhance self-awareness and strengthen your sense of identity/ self-worth.

  1. How do I prioritize my well-being and personal growth?

Consider the importance you place on self-care, learning, and personal development. Prioritizing these aspects should nurture self-worth and contribute to a more fulfilling life.

  1. What boundaries do I set to protect my self-worth?

Reflect on the limits you establish in relationships and situations to maintain your self-respect and dignity. Setting boundaries is crucial for safeguarding your emotional and mental well-being.

  1. How do I define success and measure my self-worth?

Explore your definitions of success and how you evaluate your worth based on achievements, relationships, or other criteria. Reflect on whether these measures align with your values and aspirations.

  1. What strengths and talents do I bring to the table?

Identify your unique skills, qualities, and talents that contribute to your sense of self-worth.

  1. How do I handle setbacks or challenges to my self-esteem?

Reflect on your resilience and coping strategies when faced with adversity or criticism.

  1. What experiences have affirmed my sense of self-worth?

Recall moments or achievements that have validated your worth and capabilities.

  1. Do I surround myself with supportive and uplifting people?

Evaluate the quality of your relationships and whether they contribute positively to your self-worth and confidence.

  1. How do I practice self-compassion and forgiveness?

Explore your ability to extend kindness and understanding to yourself, especially during times of difficulty or failure.

  1. What goals align with my values and sense of self-worth?

Consider your aspirations and whether they reflect your core values and beliefs. Pursuing meaningful goals is a crucial requirement for the attainment of self-worth and fulfillment.

Read more: Learning to Love Yourself – 16 Handy Tips for Fostering Self-esteem Every Day

deep questions about self-worth

Deep questions about self-worth

Coaching Questions About Confidence

  1. What are the main obstacles hindering your confidence?

This question is about identifying specific challenges or barriers that prevent one from feeling confident and self-assured. Understanding these obstacles is the first step toward overcoming them.

  1. How do you define success in terms of confidence?

Encourage your clients to reflect on what confidence means to them and how you measure it. Clarifying their definition of confidence is crucial to guiding their efforts toward building and sustaining it.

  1. What strategies can you implement to boost confidence?

Explore actionable steps and techniques for enhancing confidence in various areas of life. These strategies might include setting goals, facing fears, or practicing self-affirmations.

  1. How can you cultivate a positive mindset and self-belief?

Reflect on ways to shift negative thought patterns and cultivate a more optimistic and self-assured outlook. Cultivating a positive mindset is key to building lasting confidence.

  1. Do you seek validation from external sources?

Work with your clients to examine whether they rely heavily on external validation or approval to feel confident. Learning to validate oneself internally is vital to building greater self-reliance and resilience.

  1. What role does self-acceptance play in confidence?

Consider how accepting oneself fully, including flaws and imperfections, contributes to confidence. By embracing self-acceptance, one may better foster a sense of authenticity and inner strength.

  1. How do you handle fear of failure or rejection?

Encourage your clients to reflect on their previous responses to failure or rejection and how they impact their confidence.

  1. What positive affirmations or mantras resonate with you?

Identify affirming statements or beliefs that reinforce feelings of confidence and self-worth – so as to incorporate these affirmations into one’s daily routine.

  1. How can you cultivate self-compassion and self-care?

Explore practices that promote self-compassion and self-care, such as mindfulness, self-care routines, and seeking support from others. Nurturing oneself is essential for building confidence.

  1. What small steps can you take to build confidence daily?

Work with your clients to identify simple actions or habits that can be incorporated into their daily routine to gradually build confidence. Consistent effort and self-reflection are what lead to meaningful progress over time.

Read more: 200 Self-reflection Questions – Toolkit for Life Pilgrims

questions about confidence

Discussion self-esteem questions to ask clients

For Children: Questions About Confidence to Help Raise Their Self-Esteem

For kids

  1. What qualities do you admire in yourself?

Encourage children to identify positive traits or skills they possess, fostering self-awareness and self-esteem from a young age.

  1. How do you handle challenges or mistakes?

Teach them to approach setbacks as learning opportunities and to develop resilience and problem-solving skills to overcome challenges.

  1. What makes you unique and special?

This one is about helping them recognize their individuality and celebrate their differences, promoting self-acceptance and a positive self-image.

  1. Who can you turn to for support and encouragement?

Encourage them to seek help from trusted adults or peers when facing difficulties, fostering a sense of security and belonging.

  1. How do you express feelings and emotions?

Guide children in understanding and expressing their emotions in healthy ways, promoting emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

  1. What activities or hobbies bring you joy and fulfillment?

Encourage them to explore their interests and passions, providing opportunities for self-expression and building confidence in their abilities.

  1. How can you be a good friend to others?

Teach them the importance of empathy, kindness, and cooperation in building positive relationships, and fostering social skills and self-esteem.

  1. What goals or dreams do you have for the future?

By asking questions like this, you set your kids on the path toward setting achievable goals and aspirations, and empower them to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.

  1. How do you show kindness and compassion to others?

Encourage your children to demonstrate acts of kindness and compassion toward others, nurturing empathy and a sense of connection to their community.

  1. How can you practice gratitude and appreciation?

Guide them in recognizing and expressing gratitude for the people and experiences in their lives, promoting a positive outlook and emotional well-being.

For youth

  1. How do you handle peer pressure and stay true to yourself?

Discuss strategies for resisting negative influences and making independent choices that align with their values and beliefs, fostering self-confidence and assertiveness.

  1. What activities or hobbies help you feel confident and capable?

Encourage them to explore their interests and talents, as well as any opportunities for skill development and personal growth that may be leveraged to boost self-esteem and self-efficacy.

  1. How can you build positive relationships and support networks?

Teach them the importance of cultivating healthy relationships and seeking support from trusted peers and adults, promoting resilience and emotional well-being.

  1. How do you manage stress and prioritize your well-being?

Provide strategies for coping with stress and maintaining balance in various aspects of life, emphasizing self-care practices and effective time management skills.

  1. What role does self-compassion play in building confidence?

Discuss the importance of treating oneself with kindness and understanding, especially during times of difficulty or failure, and how self-compassion contributes to resilience.

  1. How can you develop resilience and bounce back from setbacks?

Help your children develop coping skills and a growth mindset that allows them to learn from failures and setbacks, promoting perseverance and confidence in their abilities.

  1. What values are important to you, and how do they guide your actions?

Engage them in exploring their core values and how they influence their decisions and behavior, fostering self-awareness and integrity.

  1. How can you contribute positively to the community and make a difference?

Encourage them to participate in community service or activism, empowering them to create positive change and develop a sense of purpose and social responsibility.

  1. How do you navigate challenges and obstacles in pursuit of your goals?

Provide guidance on setting realistic goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and seeking support when facing obstacles, promoting resilience and goal achievement.

  1. How can you cultivate a growth mindset and embrace learning opportunities?

Foster a mindset that views challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, encouraging youth to embrace curiosity, persistence, and continuous self-improvement.

Read more: 30 Growth Mindset Questions – Empowerment through Inquiry

self confidence

Self-esteem questions for youth


Why should I ask questions about confidence?

Self-esteem-building questions bring about a variety of benefits, including:

  • Self-discovery: Asking yourself such enables you to understand your own self-perception, as well as identify areas where you feel confident/ have room for improvement. This is particularly valuable for those struggling with low self-esteem or self-doubt. On top of that, by exploring your thoughts and feelings about yourself, you may uncover negative beliefs or assumptions that are holding you back from reaching your full potential.
  • Building confidence: Reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses is the first step to establishing a more positive and realistic image of yourself – which is the necessary foundation for fostering confidence. In addition, asking questions helps you define what confidence means to you, set specific goals for improving it, and gradually replace negative thoughts with more empowering ones.
  • Develop stronger relationships: Confidence often manifests in better communication, assertiveness, and social skills. Asking questions about confidence allows you to improve these areas, thereby leading to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
  • Enhance career prospects: Confidence plays a crucial role in various aspects of one’s career, from performing well in interviews to taking on leadership roles. Daily self-questioning makes it easier to develop the confidence needed to succeed professionally.
  • Increase resilience: Confidence is a strong protection layer against setbacks and challenges. By understanding and working on personal self-esteem, you may improve your overall well-being and navigate life’s difficulties with greater strength.

What are some good confidence-building topics?

Below are some confidence-building topics to ask yourself:

Self-reflection and self-awareness:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are your personal values?
  • What are your goals and aspirations in life?
  • What are your biggest fears and how do they affect your confidence?
  • What inner voice do you listen to most often? Is it supportive or critical?

Challenging negative thinking:

  • Do you engage in negative self-talk? If so, what are some common examples?
  • How can you challenge these negative thoughts and replace them with more positive affirmations?
  • How can you learn to be more compassionate and forgiving towards yourself?

Building healthy habits:

  • What healthy habits do you already have in place?
  • What new habits can you adopt to improve your physical and mental well-being?
  • How can you create a supportive and empowering environment for yourself?

Developing specific skills:

  • Are there any skills you’d like to learn or improve upon?
  • How can you set achievable goals and develop a plan to acquire these skills?
  • How can you celebrate your progress and acknowledge your achievements?

Exploring your comfort zone:

  • What are some activities or situations that make you feel uncomfortable?
  • How can you gradually expose yourself to these challenges in a safe and controlled way?
  • How can you celebrate stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things?

Seeking support and resources:

  • Are there people in your life who support and encourage you?
  • What resources are available to help you build your confidence, such as therapy, workshops, or online communities?
  • How can you reach out for help when needed?

How should I ask & answer questions about confidence?

Here’s how you can effectively ask and answer questions about confidence:

  • Focus on open-ended questions: Instead of yes/no or multiple choice, opt for questions that prompt reflection and exploration. These questions allow you to delve deeper into your thoughts and feelings.
  • Use “why” and “how”: Asking “why” encourages you to identify the root of your beliefs and feelings, while “how” helps you explore potential solutions and strategies for improvement.
  • Be specific and relevant: Instead of asking broad questions like “Am I confident?”, focus on specific areas where you want to build confidence. For example, “How confident do I feel presenting in front of others?” or “What aspects of my work life could I be more confident about?”
  • Be honest and authentic: The purpose of exploring confidence is to gain genuine self-awareness. Don’t sugarcoat your answers or try to please anyone else.
  • Take your time: Don’t rush into answering. Allow yourself time to reflect and consider your response carefully.
  • Be mindful of self-talk: While answering, pay attention to your inner voice. Are you using critical or judgmental language? Instead, use an encouraging and supportive tone towards yourself.

While open-ended questions are preferred, you may also use other formats strategically:

  • Multiple choice: This format is helpful for identifying initial tendencies or gaining quick insights. For example, “On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident do you feel presenting your ideas?”
  • Yes/no: These are useful for confirming specific information or triggering further exploration. For example, “Do I typically avoid public speaking situations?” (If yes, “Why?”)

Remember, the key is to choose the question format that best facilitates self-discovery and encourages critical thinking. By asking the right questions and answering them thoughtfully, you are better equipped to embark on a journey of building self-confidence and developing a stronger sense of self.

How to build confidence every day?

Let us explore some self-confidence-building techniques that can be practiced on a daily basis:

  • Practice positive affirmations: Start your day or specific tasks with positive statements about yourself and your abilities. Focus on strengths, personal values, and affirmations related to the task at hand.
  • Challenge negative thoughts: When self-doubt creeps in, identify the thought and counter it with evidence of your competence or a more positive perspective.
  • Focus on gratitude: Reflect on things you’re grateful for each day, so as to shift the focus toward positivity and appreciation for life and yourself.
  • Set small, achievable goals: Celebrate completing even small goals to build a sense of accomplishment and momentum.
  • Step outside your comfort zone: Gradually expose yourself to new challenges, even small ones, to experience the satisfaction of overcoming them and expand your capabilities.
  • Learn new skills: Continuously learning keeps you engaged and helps you build expertise, fostering a sense of accomplishment.
  • Help others: Helping others boosts self-worth and brings about a sense of purpose, thereby contributing to positive self-esteem and confidence.
  • Prioritize physical health: Regular exercise and a balanced diet contribute to overall well-being, which positively impacts self-image and confidence.
  • Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for mental and physical health, impacting mood, cognitive function, and overall self-perception.
  • Engage in activities you enjoy: Participating in hobbies and activities you find fulfilling is an amazing way to secure a positive mood and boost self-esteem.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness all help manage stress and anxiety – the most common factors that negatively impact confidence.

Read more: 45 Mindfulness Questions for Adults – Daily Check-in Prompts for Better Clarity

self confidence

Final Thoughts

By engaging with the questions about confidence above, you’ve taken a significant step toward nurturing self-esteem and unlocking your full potential. Building confidence is a gradual process that requires patience, perseverance, and kindness toward yourself. As you integrate these reflections into your life, may you embark on a path of empowerment, embracing your uniqueness and embodying the power that comes from within!

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